What is this

I noticed this started last year while I was off meds and I think my sza progressed quite a lot, but I know I get hallucinations when falling asleep and that’s probably not a part of the sza as it can be a normal thing or part of a sleep disorder, but last year I started getting tons of intrusive thoughts like as soon as I close my eyes to sleep. They’re not negative thoughts but just extremely random phrases or sentences and it feels like someone is talking about me inside my head or something, tons of random thoughts that don’t feel like mine exactly. Last night I was thinking about something and these random thoughts kept popping up and interrupting my thought train and they weren’t related to what I was thinking about.


I don’t know about everyone else,

But that’s just part of falling asleep for me.


It is for me now too but it wasn’t before

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I used to get those when I experienced dissasociation.

That was many years ago and meds helped that.

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I got those before all the meds. I wasn’t that way pre sz only after psychosis.


I don’t get this as much anymore, but there were times when I was used to it.

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