What is the worst feeling known?

what is the worst feeling known?

BTW I know it

For me it’s the obvious one, psychosis. I sometimes refer to it as “the horrors of psychosis.” I’m talking when you’re full-on delusional.

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The feeling that you’re gonna die soon.


Akathisia is horrible

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words…can’t describe my worst ever feeling!!!

the feeling you get when you can’t help your child

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For me- abandonment .

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An emotion of extreme self loathing and a thought that it will never be better.

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Fear 1515151515

When I’ve done something that I felt was so bad as a child that my ears would ring and I’d feel faint…

Like if I got beat by my dad, or did something wrong and I felt I’d get smacked for it!

This happened/happens to me as well!

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Feeling so uncomfortably unwell that you feel you can’t live with it

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