What is intelligence?

IQ? School grades? Jobs?

This sz messes up our social and intelligence potential. I saw a therapist who told me I am wasting my intelligence by doing nothing in my life. She said I did excellent in her iq tests and she said that I should be proud that I have a physiotherapy degree. So I am smart apparently but can’t get out of bed now. I don’t understand this ■■■■. Sz is making me dumb and waste my life potential.


Schizo ■■■■■ with us and we need to beat it I have this same problem before I started getting ■■■■■■ up in the ■■■■■■ brain I was so outgoing and social and now I struggle to look people in the ■■■■■■■ eye half the time it makes me so ■■■■■■■ angry I am tired of being this way


It’s an agency in Langley, Virginia.



I have a feeling that avoliton(lack of motivation) , aboulia(Lack of will) and anergia(Lack of energy) are as much of problem as anything for you Aziz. I know they are with me. Both of us could do more with what we have if we could overcome these issues. Maybe with Clozapine it will help you in these areas.


I think there are different types of intelligence. For example there is traditional intelligence and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to work with and read others effectively.

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I count myself is intellagent.


The less we do the dummer we get.
Maybe keep up to date by reading some snippets of magazines like fast company and wired

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My default position re intelligence is that if I do well at something then most other people could do also. Occasionally a bit of false bravado gets thrown into the mix. I’m far more of a failure than not.


what about speaking

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I think a lot has to do with talent.

but that takes awhile.

I was told at age 20 that I had potential as a writer,
then I went on to exceed my wildest imagination.


I like to think of intelligence as the number of perspectives you can hold.

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