What is everyone's favourite emoji

I like this one, :frowning_face:

Annnnnd this one,


Idk. I just like it. :frowning_face:

I like this one , the “oh my gosh” ghost.


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:sunglasses: I like this one.


My favorite is this🥲 and :roll_eyes:. :upside_down_face: is also a good one.


:teddy_bear: :fog:
I like teddy bears and fog is my favourite weather.
:woozy_face: is good, too

Laughing :joy: 1555


My favorite is :slightly_smiling_face:.

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One day I just started adding emojis to the end of my posts and never looked back.



This one obviously :open_mouth:

:grimacing: My wife and I do that face :grimacing: to each other all the time. To us it is like when you say something funny the other person won’t like.

Mark McKinney used to make that face in skits.

:sob: this one’s good for stuff that’s super cute or stuff that’s ridiculous/odd but in a funny way. I never used to use it but now I use it all the time lol.

I find I use different emojis with different people, though.

that is my favorite too. I used it everywhere :joy:

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My favourite emoji is :blush:

:crazy_face: this . “crazy face”



I think I like :grimacing: . Reminds me of someone cringing. Although I dont use it as much as I do a smiley.

Think about it emo :thinking:


Llama is life

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