What if you couldn’t get your medication? What would you do?

I have been off my adhd med for 2 months roughly due to nationwide shortages.

I’m currently taking an off label med and it doesn’t help very much.

I hate calling many pharmacies around town just to ask if they have my adhd med in stock.

I have bad paranoia about pharmacies.

Plus I feel like they think I’m a drug addict.

The truth is I just am not functioning.

What would you do if you couldn’t get your med? (I don’t trust my dr to talk to her about anything. Paranoia.)


Maybe call the pharmaceutical company, or email, and ask when the medicine will be available again. Important to have a doctor you trust so they can help you find an effective replacement.


My most vital med is the anti-psychotic olanzapine. If i was unable to get it here, then i know i can order it online from a Russian company. Ive ordered some in the past and its the genuine article. Hopefully i wont need to order any again, but good to know its an available option.

If I weren’t able to get my medication it would end up horribly. Extreme psychosis. I’m just going to believe that there will always be some brand available of the medication at some pharmacy.

I only know that I will be manic, going to be ever high. (I am kinda Schi.affective) The manic means to me ‘very very happy’.

More than likely in an indeterminate amount of time I would become psychotic. There is no telling where I would go from there. I might decide to travel. When I did that a long time ago I ended up in the mental hospital.