What happened today to me ?!

today i was so annoyed while i was on my everyday activities becoz symptoms i have

Why Suicide is a Major Concern for People with scz-20240325_191049

i remembered this video about suicide with channel living well with scz

she said i will never forget what she said and i hope you all never forgetting that !!!

suicide rate among ppl with scz about 50% and death rate is about 10% !!! impossible !!!

so today i begin to talk with lauren in imagination talking to her photo

i said
-----yeah i want to suicide
omg half of ppl with scz go and try to suicide !!!
omg 10% of ppl with scz dead becoz they successfully suicide !!!
why they suicide ??!!
becoz they have delusion like they are torturing for YEARS but this not true they are SCZ why they did that ??!!
and they die young of course 30 or 40 yo !!!
why they did that ??!!
if they continue to living they will see happy times like all living ppl thats will happen

why they believe these illogic thinking they have

why they believe that they coward ?! and they are coward ppl becoz they living in such conditions !!!and they cant suicide !!!

why they didnt go and talk to ppl like them and joke with them and have fun with them

thats really very regrettable in fact
so nice ppl that go and suicide and die for no reason !!!

yeah i want to suicide right now
but i wont do that
i am not mad

thank you

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guys am i talking proper english or not !!!
do you understand ?
i think i made a good post for those who think about suicide
am i right ?

I’m sorry, but your posts are so hard for me to understand that I have no idea how to reply to them.

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I tried to commit suicide when I was 15, because I felt oppressed. I’m much more oppressed now. It’s horrible.

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I do not trust facts from youtubes. The people are not truthfull all the time. The woman may not have schizophrenia. Youtubes are to get subscribers. They do not care about truthful information.


Yea stay strong!

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