What happened to far_cry?

What happened to him?

Last time we spoke, he said that he was going to come back on the site soon.
This was like 2 months ago.

I think that he is preoccupied with other matters.

He’s watching YouTube I think.

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He liked a post of mine 18 days ago, but didn’t say anything. I’m thinking someone insulted him maybe?

Yeah that what I think maybe some people were not that nice and he left.

No when we chatted, he sounded happy and seemed excited to comeback.

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Yeah but he didnt come back.:thinking:

Yeah I know, that’s the thing.

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@far_cry0, where ru?

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I was thinking the same thing. Something’s up. And it don’t feel right :flushed:

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I have missed him…he was always so happy…I hope he is o k.

He deserves to be in the sz forum hall of fame.


I heard stories, he has three girlfriends and doesn’t have any more free time. All that girls keep him busy lol

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I too hope he’s doing well!

I heard 4 companions and leader of a mystical sect of awesomeness where positiveness is the key!

He was always such a happy chap and loved his work here!


Wherever u are, I wish you the best @far_cry0


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