What exactly do you feel on zyprexa, please?

Can this med kill one day my anxiety and my paranoia in fact? I pay many efforts now, cause on me, the meds dont work very well, but i wonder why i still experience fears from the others? Can this med help this one day? Ive tried all the other 12 aps, none of them didnt kill my fears…
I wonder if i went quite dumb on the zyprexa too? Cause i find that the dumbness and the low from the med is a good terrain for fears, no? :confused:
My pdoc was saying, that this med can work in my case on years, not in months on my fears, but it seems as a lie to me :frowning:
But maybe slowly by slowly it will function on the paranoia? Isit good for paranoia the zyprexa precisely? gosh… i am pissed of being scared…

Wait, the doctor told you and your mum that you’ll be in pain the rest of your life?

That’s horrible!

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Yeap, my doc said it once when she was pissed off to me and my mother has a mantra since then on this, she thinks, that i’ll always suffer yeah… Idk why my mother is the only one in the whole world who is like this…
I suffer so much daily, that its inhuman. Plus, it lasted 20 years, even more…
Can the zyprexa lift the emotional pain in fact? Is it in its power?..

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So is it natural for a mother to be like this?? Ok, I know that she never saw me well since 20 years, but she could have tried to fight for me… I’ve also tried all the possible aps here and none of them didnt help much… one other doc even told me, that I’ve tried too many aps…
No, my mother thinks, that every schizophrenic will never get better and that it’s a life long pain yeah… I try to not listen to this tbh…
Maybe my pain comes now mostly from my fears… I wonder if the zyprexa can lift this one day, in the end lol???
It’s very hard to not have had a life since I was a teenager. I am 39 years old and I spent all this time at home, nice… :disappointed_relieved:

From personal experience, zyprexa didn’t do anything for me. Do you take SSRI? Or any mood stabilizer with it?

On Zyprexa, I felt raging, insatiable hunger. Especially for sweets.

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