-What do you think is the maximum information that a schizophrenic can learn and know?

What do you think is the maximum information that a schizophrenic can learn and know?

Does schizophrenic imply that someone is automatically a lazy fool to you? Does learning matter to you, and how has the rise of the internet changed your ability to learn as a schizophrenic?

Just so you know I don’t believe that schizophrenics are learning limited. In passionate learning on the internet’s free source of information, and if I am not learning on it, I’m becoming more and more schizophrenically nauseating to my own sense of normal self. It’s a feeling like being dignified or being undignified, so I lumber around on the internet endlessly learning and sharing to retain a tolerable state of existence. lol That would sound weird to everyone that is not schizophrenic, but that probably sounds right to other schizophrenics.

Basically what that means is that what I’m being aware of in my environment becomes redundant in my mind’s function properties. It’s like the same old same old. In fact doing the same thing, watching the same thing, or even rudimentary small chat which is repetitious all makes me uncomfortable. It’s something stupid to me to say concisely what it feels like as in a waste of my life. In order to make my mind’s functions tolerable I constantly change their values with new information, and it changes my mind’s views into fantastic views of concepts I never knew rather than idiotic insanity of things that are disturbing.

the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.

A key to figuring out how to use my broken mind in practical way in order to survive ordinarily but most of all exist in a way I can tolerate in myself is honing into the function in it I mentioned above. I picture it like an algorithm that I can input new values into as I learn new information, and my mind complies the algorithm spitting out the paradigmatic view of the world of other people, things, and myself. If I let my mind play with itself like an otter addicted to juggling rocks on his chest, then it will constantly imagine things which do not matter and are not tolerable like an overheating engine running full throttle wasting itself out in an open field not in a vehicle pulling a load. This new information it creates as it runs loose constantly gets jumbled around like the juggling otter jumbles his rocks on his chest, and that newly imagined information loads the algorithms in my inner qualia, and outcomes a mortifying paradigm which is so bad that it would render me 100% useless to myself and everyone else. Understand that this information from my loose mind is just the schizophrenic stuff that we all experience. Well that’s no good. That’s the most toxic kind of information. In a way it is as though my mind creates toxic information thus poisoning my mind by its own volition creating a morbid paradigm.

I can’t let my mind run loose like that. I always have to be working on something or learning something new if not just thinking about things I haven’t thought about before, or “they” will over run me. But you can be sure they are right there all along, but as I dive into new information it appears that my mind sort of submerges under water where they are not in a separate mental world for moments at a time. If the work, study, or thinking I’m doing is interesting enough, I can stay under as long as it takes to follow all of the way through the process of the task, the study, or the concepts I’m processing. These are always my sweetest moments in the burdenous life of schizophrenia.

Philosophy is a phelia for wisdom or knowledge. So philosopher is a lover of knowledge and wisdom. That I’ve been ever since a teen before I became scz.

Even exploring new things such as the wilderness, riding four wheel ATV’s, driving speed boats, exploring new races and cultures etc etc etc load this “qualia function” in my mind with fresh, new information like loading values into an algorithm. I constantly have to learn new things like as though I constantly have to set back the clock before the clock counts down to 0:00. If I allow it to strike 0:00 without learning something new, then it’s like my mind melts down in to schizophrenia. I just get alone to myself, and ride it out normally thinking about what mine and everyone else’s beliefs and consciousnesses truly are to solve this mind binding problem or other things about the universe which is basically anything. When I figure something out, the drag stops, and I’m revived. It’s a very morbid depression in those moments that could last up to a week many years ago very frequently, and then a day or two a few years ago very frequently, but now only a day or 1/2 a day every other month perhaps. I assume it continues to get better.

In the throes the voices in words, feelings, visions inside my mind, and all tactile issues are clanging and clamoring. It’s nothing nice to go through, but I’m very used to it. It is the kind of thing that will make you mad and/or cry because of what you life has become. It never seems like it is ever just going to end. It always appears endless for infinity, and then as though I had mined the code for bitcoin, I figure out something new, and relief at last. Often times if I just teach people something online, then that can work to do it too.

It is like being forced to carry a giant kettle of boiling water in red hot metal somewhere on the astral plane so to speak to where I can see a new concept to me that I did not know before, and the voices and turmoil won’t stop unless I bear it, find that new spot, and then turn it into cool water when I get there with it.

That is an analogy for what I’ve been doing for many years. I think it makes me smart. When I finally stopped working outside, and I sat down to just study and share online I became better and better over the years as in my mind state became better. My schizophrenia is nothing like it used to be. The best word to describe it is that it is very quiet unlike ever before. It’s not all gone though. I wish it was.

I do know this. I would never have thought the things I’ve figured out, learned the things I’ve studied, or taught things I’ve taught people online if I were never schizophrenic. My reading comprehension since I started this online learning expedition has become better than before I was schizophrenic. It was hard reading while being schizophrenic, but now my concentration is much better. Also figuring out bigger problems is much easier than ever which would not be the case if I were not scz that made it routinely necessary.

Does anything similar to my story happen to you or work for you? Leave a comment.


Watch the movie “a beautiful mind”. That guy knew tons

Also, it doesn’t sound like it but it doesn’t seem as if you’re going down any rabbit holes. I got stuck in Twitter trying to find meaning across various postings, soent day and night doing it for some time. All I turned up was jibberish. If you’re being constructive as it seems then that’s good and I applaud you for keeping your mind going. But if it goes down the rabbit hole into jibberish watch out.

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I’m old. I’m definitely not smart and I’m certainly not interesting either, but I do love to learn.
I like to learn things online that make it easier to learn things in real life.
The internet is okay for learning things all around the world, but for skills in real life, the old books have the internet beat.

Funny thing about people, not specifically sz, but the average population, is, their perception about themselves can be so…?..distorted.
what one hears, then actually observes, can be miles apart.


I read this thing from NAMI about how someone with sz perceives the effort of doing something differently. They might imagine something is impossible but in reality it is easy. I’m trying to say its a distortion of the perception of the amount of work you have to put into doing something, like chores, work, learning. Its not that someone is unable its just that they overestimate what it takes to get something done.

Sorry, if I ■■■■■■ up trying to quickly summarize it.


Oh my, that is quite a lot of text.

A person with sz can have the same amount of info as a normal person. However cognitive issues means recording and storing new information in their brain may be a lot more challenging to them than a regular person.


This describes what I go through perfectly. Some days I have this constant mantra in my head of “I dont want to” for every little task and everything seems harder than it really is.


All I know is that I haven’t hit my maximum yet and I’ve got a job where the learning curve is … ungodly.


I think you did a very good job of summarizing this.

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I have found that with routine and dedication the information retention becomes easier and easier over the years. Just have to live that lifestyle, and it will come naturally. I drink lots of coffee and organic supplements. Total Vegan too. Gonna be 100 years old some day look for 10 or 20 more, got me? Hehe

Truly the hard part for me isn’t the retaining the information. I’m always amazed at the amount of info “on the walls of the labyrinth” of my mind and how quickly and fluidly I can pass through it and make it come back up “onto my mental operating screen” so to speak.

And processing and thinking things out piece by piece systematically is something that I’m better at than most people I’ve ever met. That’s what I do. I figure things out.

The hard thing is pouring through data that is uninteresting. That’s the only hard part. I’m getting better over the past few years, much much better, but I think I have a few more years before I can pour through mundane data without feeling discomfort or losing focus.

The other hang up I got is that my mind is so creative that as I’m reading things that are interesting my imagination lights off like the 4th of July, and I wind up thinking of so much other stuff that I have to start journaling it or sharing it online, so reading and researching often becomes slowed down for me. I guess that’s my hang up. But I mean these are amazing ideas, and this is the most imaginative prism I know. Gotta remember that I’m like a Spock. If it isn’t logical, it isn’t going to stay in my brain. No if’s, and’s, or buts about it unless there is humor intended by it all in good fun.

In my experience I have met many people that were over my rank and underlings of mine. I have found 3 kinds of creative people.

Creativity is like one of those chocolate oranges that you can unwrap and slam on the table, and it breaks up like into orange pieces that are the new ideas or perceptive awareness of the principle concepts to the main idea that is in question.

  1. Some people try it, and it works when they want it to, and it doesn’t get wild on them. It’s all voluntary.

  2. Other people can’t even throw it on the floor to get it to break up into ideas and pieces of new concepts.

  3. Then there are people like me that even before I throw it to break it it is already being pulverized into powder dust in my mind’s hand. It’s just pure creativity and conceptual perception.

The only thing I never lost was my vivid mind lucid perceptivity. My power body is still in good shape too, but the mind just gets better and better. It’s so fast and enthralling that it can get overwhelming for me around people I don’t know or don’t trust, but when I’m working on anything out there or online etc virtually alone, it’s great.

I can work as fast as I want. I don’t need try to act culturally normal, and I can just be that crazy genius in the shed with the oil lantern on all night or whenever on my own schedule so to speak. Of course I’m as serious as a Colonel at the front of his Battalion reporting CQ to his Brigade Commander in public.

I may have never loved anything more than doing that beside body building and extremely dangerous work, and that may be because I never had more than that when I was my sickest for so many years. Everyone I lost, but my creativity, vividity, and the truth in it I couldn’t lose. :relaxed:

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I used to body build and do extremely tough things like mountain climbing, hiking, riding my bike for 10’s of miles one way and even across a state once. I used to live for the tough stuff, so I really know what it means when something is tough. I knew that I needed to do that while I could because I was so scared about how the simple things became so hard for me to do while everyone was just flying by me doing things with ease. I even lost my speech and ability to decipher most verbal speech for a few years. So I started off just making myself into a physical rock, and I gradually began working on the intellectual studies over the years. It was quite a tough, life or death maneuver if you ask me. I was sure scared as sheit, and I had problems coming at me stacked to the sky not just because I was a young man without a family or any friends left but because I was sick which brings it’s only train wreck to the situation.

I feel like I could go sit on top of a bomb though, and it ain’t tough. Of course I would not do that literally, but I tink you get the idea.

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OK, sorry, but I didn’t have time to read all of that. But I wanted to say that you do not seem well to me at all. You seem like you are obsessing over thoughts that may well end up in delusions, if they haven’t already. You remind me a lot of how I was when I was psychotic. You have very high opinions of your abilities and write very long posts. You go on long tangents about pretty vague things and unlikely ideas. I did the same. I spent most of my time thinking and reading online. In the end, it was not good for me and I was not getting enlightened like I though I was. I think it would be good for you to break this pattern. Does your doctor know about this obsession of yours?


Like I said, watch out for the rabbit hole

A rabbit hole is where every professional in any occupation is currently at or had been at. No one’s believing the fools that says you find the gold lode by sitting on the surface acting like a life guard cautioning people about drowning for getting too deeply involved in their passions.

There aren’t enough writers of the things people want to know about, and there are too many writers of the things that everyone already knows about or don’t care about. That’s all I got for you, friendly moonwalker.

Hey I’m not saying don’t dig deep and do good stuff. I’m talking about when your thoughts get jumbled and you find meaning where there is none. That’s when you’re delusional. I’m not saying you’re doing that cause I don’t know. I just know that delusions are a symptom of this disease and it can happen while digging thru information.

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I am sorry that my honesty has offended you, but I think it needed to be said. Your speech seems a little disorganized, you seem grandiose and you seem obsessive. Your ideas are vague and not completely coherent. All of this points to psychosis, and I’ve been there. It’s not meant as critique, it’s just an attempt to open your eyes to what your posts may seem like to others, and how you do not seem to be doing well. I do not think that saying this will magically make you change, but I thought it would be better to try and see if honesty could help you than to just ignore your posts or pretend like you’re doing fine when it seems obvious to me that you’re not. I can assure you that it was not meant in an offensive or judgmental way. As I said, I’ve been there. I can understand your reaction to what I wrote.


Also, you are not a new user, like you’re suggesting here.

It is at odds with our guidelines to pose as two different people. Please don’t do this. It can make people paranoid and distrustful of others. Your original account was created last year and has close to 80 posts. It was permabanned when you opened the duplicate account you’re posting as now.


Thanks, all, who replied to me about my topic. I’m a schizophrenic soul, and I appreciate what you have to say more than anyone else because you are schizophrenic in that that phenomenon in you too. I didn’t do anything wrong except maybe write too much or disinterest a few people. We know, but we’re watching this play out a different way as the thread starts off intended for social well being, and then gets flipped over, and pressed on the grill like meat because someone is sick of what I write. I didn’t write anything wrong, but I need to be active about making sure that no one thinks I’m controlled by what they think. I control what I think in myself. It’s just that it’s hard to not be active about keeping up with the ones that want to ruin my threads because of what everyone is going to think after they do, but that’s what they want. They can’t just PM me or start their own threads because they won’t get the attention. That’s why the cut of my thread, because I pay close attention to them.

I’ll pay close attention to you. It’s interesting to me.

[quote=“DMAdataANDmoodanalysis, post:18, topic:87288”]
The delusional is everyone. [/quote]

Are you saying everyone is delusional? Wouldnt you say thats a fallacy? Most people are not delusional.

@DMAdataANDmoodanalysis, please refrain from personal attacks.

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Well, I’m not to negate anyone from being allowed to be themselves.

Delusion is the belief that something is what it isn’t, and everywhere I’ve ever gone I’ve always found that people say two kinds of things: what is true and what is not true. Not even the most wise person can be true 100% of the time, but it takes a long time become as true as they are.

But what I really know about people’s beliefs or perceptions whether you call it false delusion or naivety or just taste is what they are interested in and what they are not interested in. That’s what it’s all about, and when you know that, then it’s just a process of testing and checking off the list in memory of what the are interested in. If you know enough of what they are interested in and what they are not, it’s real easy to figure out what to say or not to say and even how to say it.

But I don’t care the least about whether they are delusional. I just care about what they are interested in because that’s all anyone is.