what do you think about silence ?

I love silence I wish I had it

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I sat through a lot of Quaker meetings that were silent. It was difficult as a kid, but one sees the value in them later on. Since psychosis, I have found silence to be scary. Now, music is a need.

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This is what I think about it:


I never do silence…even when i go to sleep i run a fan for white noise.


a lot of people have a sensitivity to sound, I know stress and difficulty with “silence” or calming the mind is not an issue solely due to stress, can often be a lot of factors happening at once. I dont know for sure, but I think radiation and solar flares can affect stress levels…maybe Im wrong, but i am learning to deal with stress better as I evolve my awareness.

also in silence–what is silence? its a vibration of thought just like thoughts are a vibration, and if you try to balance a good healthy diet, add mantras and self-worth or just detach from all the background noise it helps filter out what isnt you and what is genuine to your natural personality…have had tinnitus most of my life despite above normal ability to hear sound. The tinnitus is also an aspect of my consciousness, because its almost like a part of me. I would love to learn more ways to cope with it. The doctor suggested a johns hopkins class that trains you on dealing with tinnitus when i was younger but i was too nervous to try it…

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When I lie in bed at night to go to sleep I always turn on my radio to a west virginian NPR station. I heard a voice tell me recently that my subconscious is aware of it. IDK should I turn it off and give myself a break?

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Despite my username I tend to like things quiet. Too much noise can be really overstimulating and tends to give me headaches.

I do like to listen to a lot of music though

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I LOVE silence. Silence is truly golden.


not much talking me. silence is beautiful expirience

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I don’t like silence unless I’m sleeping, I always have to have something to hear


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