What do you believe caused your schizophrenia?

Genetics and emotional stresses.

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I believe it started when I was 17 and I had experienced a traumatic religious preoccupation, the thought of the after life scared me so much to the point I had my first schizophrenic break.

Biological predisposition, LSD, and childhood abuse.

My parents put high demands on me. I had to work hard to gain there love. My life was a bit to challinging.
They gave me a good start in my childhood but with 19 the sz broke out and I draw attention to myself from the authorities and they interfered.
Sorry Richard. I pushed the wrong button. This is a comment to the topic.

I highly think that itā€™s the environment that we are in that caused our fall. At least thatā€™s what happened for me.

Childhood poverty from an indifferent father caused a lot of stress for my mother. I had no self esteem when I was young. After graduating, my places of employment were mostly negative experiences and people were always trying to force me to be around men I didnā€™t like.

Trauma as a child.

I think i ate a out of date chocolate piece when i was a kid. I canā€™t exactly remember. But when i would get torchered i might come up with a satisfying answer.

psychadelics, weed, mdma and stress


Everytime I smoke weed I keep slipping in to hardcore episodes. I generally donā€™t get them but every time I smoke itā€™s intense. I keep smoking before bed t find my adventure understandingā€¦

What did you feel