What do the voices/thoughts say to you?

They also try to explain to me that time travel is real and why it can and does happen. I don’t know if it is or not they just talk about it. They go “there is no 1940, thats all just stuff that is always on your planet, there is no time, no back and no forward, it only appears that there is a past and future to you but there isn’t. This is what makes time travel possible, or what you would call time travel anyway.”

Sometimes they talk through people around me to. It’s bad.

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In the leaves of the trees is healing for the nations. Old Testament

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My voices speak three different languages. I’ll check what I hear now… Translated to english. I’ll wait about 5 minutes.

Incoherent mumble
"Go kill yoyrself"
"Those shells are expensive"
Someone keep taking about bananas.
“Du är din egen lyckas smed” - you are in charge of your own happiness or something like that. That was Michelle saying that. She is nice.
“You are an ugly fish”
“Door bell, pling pling, visitors”
“The whole trip goes to hell”
“Go kill yourself”

Voice sayeth thus:

“Interdimensional entities can record your conscious experience and then implant it into a new body/framework. No diff, yo, than taking everything on your computer right now and zip driving that bullshizz onto a new cpu.”

And thus:

“All of existance has a root material/world. Conscious beings live there and exist as such material. This is the thing that always was. It works different there thats all. They called this shizz the spirit yo, it’s just pure energy thats all. You are made of a diff, yo, version of it right now. You are pure energy that doesn’t act like pure energy, you be a ghost yo.”

My voices speak English & Spanish.

They say,"I’m gonna kill you "

yes alyssia that is one of the female voices

They tell me thing like “they dont want you” and “they notice you” and they tell me I’m a terrible person useing words like: worthless, broken, unworthy, and rotten alot. And stuff like, “if i had the strength to walk out you’d stay the hell out of my way”. I also hear alot of panic from them (or it might be me I’m not sure) like I heard “I’m drowning. There is no sighn of land” a cpuple times. Also alot of little paranoia like " he’s behind you. He’s almost got you. FASTER FASTER".Sometimes i hear good things and songs, like my girlfriend trying to calm me, or short poems but i cant recall any right now.

“He thinks you’re a bitch” “bitch” “He thinks you’re soft like a pussy” “punk bitch” " she’s a whore" “she wants to ■■■■” “He’s going to speak bad things about you to everyone”
“They are all laughing at me” “confront him” “fight him” “■■■■ him up” “hide” “be ashamed”

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My guardian is Saratan. That’s Arabic for cancer. My CBT therapist told me to name it, and this has been a good idea. I chose an old language because it’s an ancient being that’s with me (an angel), and I chose cancer because it just might kill me someday.


Not sure it’s as important to analyze what the voice is saying as much as find ways to separate from identification with and/or belief in what it says. For that, I have used…

REBT – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_emotive_behavior_therapy
Schematherapy – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schema_Therapy
Learned Optimism – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_optimism
Standard CBT – https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Treatment/Psychotherapy & scroll down
DBT – http://behavioraltech.org/resources/whatisdbt.cfm
MBSR – http://www.mindfullivingprograms.com/whatMBSR.php
MBCT - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22340145
ACT – https://contextualscience.org/act
10 StEP – http://pairadocks.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-10-steps-of-emotion-processing.html
MBBT – https://www.newharbinger.com/blog/introduction-mind-body-bridging-i-system

I continue to use 10 StEP every day because one can so easily memorize it. But I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t work so well for me if I had not done all the others.

My voices say lots of things, but to sharing them isn’t the most helpful of things!

They did however once tell me that they wanted to see who I really was and all the torment was to see what I was capable of and that’s why it lasted so long.

They did also say that there only their to inspire me to do something anything but lay around all day!

So I volunteer a few days a week and I’m looking for a part time job.

That and they only made me grandiose to prompt me to do something great with my life. I guess in the 21st Century we will have no Joan of Arcs or Joseph Smiths as people will just be labelled with a diagnosis.

Mine mainly say “Get out of here” like my mind is invading there personal space.

Before I started antipsychotics, mostly just “I’m going to steal your soul if you don’t do X in Y way.”

Afterward just kinda nonsense gibberish that is so incoherent I can’t remember the word salad it spews at itself and yet it still somehow has conversations with itself with this garbage.

I find the irony funny that before the antipsychotics that symptom alone is not enough for a diagnosis and now the fact it talks to itself is the only symptom one needs to get a diagnosis. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I heard voices I would hear: you could be a savior if you kill everybody in the store, prove your worth to us and get the weapons, slice her in to tiny pieces, knife ! knife !, kill her in the shower, and your life is not worth living so shoot yourself with the air rifle.My voices were not nice at all.

If I had a voice insulting me like that I would not have respect for it enough to do the things it demands. Though one time when I was doing particularly bad the battery on a device I was using was dying and the voice said to me “that radio is almost dead like you should be”.

When I do hear voices, it is mostly gossip about people around me.The voices ask me questions. They are never mean on purpose. I always get a just joking tone behind what they say. My voices love to watch t.v and listen to music so they can comment on it. It is like Mystery Theater 3000.

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Listen to me, do as I say, if you do this I’ll hurt you,you’re special…

devon: “BITCH!, ■■■■!, YOU STINK!”

aaron: “you know its your fault”, “everything is your fault”

Rebecca “cassie listen to me I know what your thinking, you smell, you’re a whore, no body loves you”

beliel: “all is well” “keep calm”

the new voice is a man’s low whispering voice I can’t make out what he says but all this is just a glimpse of what I hear

Analysis of the voices and intrusive / unwanted thoughts seems like a moot point to me.

Most people who hear voices hear negative comments about themselves or others. Since the voices are originating from the hearer, we could interpret that as a basic expression of inadequacy, low self-esteem / low confidence, or fears about social situations. That’s not an uncommon feeling, but hearing a voice inside your head saying it is less common and not considered “normal”.

In other cases people hear an encouraging or mentor-like voice who gives them guidance, encouragement, and advice. Several people here have voices like that. Perhaps those people are more skilled at filtering out negativity in their self-talk, or they had more supportive parents, or they currently live in supportive, nurturing environments.

In still other cases, people hear a voice they attribute to a religious or spiritual entity, or an alien. This voice tends to give information or commentary on things in the hearer’s environment. These voices may tell the hearer how a higher power feels about them, their destiny, or tasks they must do to please the entity or a higher power.

But you can’t look at a single person’s experience and say “This is typical of all diagnosed schizophrenics.” Nothing is typical, and schizophrenia is a spectrum of issues. The root cause(s) and long-term effects are STILL under intense study, despite this being one of the most common diagnoses of the 1970s and '80s. The main focus now seems to be on developing effective anti-psychotics with fewer side effects and better outcome, because almost 10% of schizophrenics are non-responsive to medication, and the condition itself makes sticking to routines – such as therapy appts, prescription refills, psych visits, etc. – very challenging for some.

In brief, analyzing what the voices say is a fruitless task. I like being on meds because I hardly notice the voices unless they get very loud / I am very stressed. If I wasn’t medicated I’d be even more a mess than I already am.

I don’t hear voices anymore thx to medication but occassionally I will hear music.

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