What did you do today?

Woke up way too late at noon, had lunch, watched youtube videos and posted some for friends, did a bit of yardwork with parents, and then did some work setting up a standing computer desk on my treadmill. Got overwhelmed and started slacking off, browsing the forums.


I ate burger and I feel so guilty, remind me again that I am watching my weight.


Pretty much nothing, I should have done stuff though will get up early and have a go at it


Met a family member to help him do some chores. lunch back at home. tidy up the house a bit. very boring.

I keep common place books on things I like. Maybe I will work on one of those tonight.


Went out for a Carmel macchiato, and bought mini chocolate cake.


I went shopping at Wal-Mart & took a long very needed nap with my son. The alarm went off in Wal-Mart which spooked me a little bit then everybody had to go outside. Fire trucks came and all. I don’t think anything serious happened though because the store reopened after about 30 minutes. Small fire maybe? Who knows.


I actually had a pretty low day today.

The voices were up to nothing as usual.

But I went to the dollar store,

And I prayed my heart out to God.


I woke up in the morning, got out of bed, made breakfast, and had a shower :blush: A very good day (which immediately made me paranoid. Who has good days out of nowhere?)


I shot my first ever music video! Editing it now.



I spent 30 minutes on software development each day for 4 days straight 1 day after using my new motivational system for that.

It doesn’t sound like much, but I did so through a few somewhat difficult obstacles, like recent physical pain. If I had used a motivational system like this many years ago to stick to a daily routine, I think I’d be much better off now.


Not much but some stuff yea including going in da sun. Sorry not very exciting but I have n urge to post here


I was up talking to a friend at 3am. Went to sleep and woke up at 11am. I didn’t do much, though I went to a AA meeting. I’m prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow. The procedure on Tuesday.


Talked to my dad a bit. Smoker from hell.he will die if he doesn’t get an oxygen tank eah he looks okay by outward appearances but that goddam cigarette.or better yet quit! Oxy tank would be dangerous. He will smoke in the afterlife.

When I die, I’m going to get off that gurney and find him. I’m going to grab that cigarette from his hand stomp on it. When he gets mad, I’m going to tell him GARY BUSEY SAYS SO and wah la he’ll light angels fart.

Feeling like it’s a heart problem for him.


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