What country would you like to visit

Israel is in my range

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The Holy Land would be amazing. I wonder if that’s what it is for you? I want to see Spain.

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yes so much history in the holy land but i would still go pub and soak up the sunshine


To walk where Jesus had walked! And He also turned water into wine :slight_smile:


Japan, there are women with a fetish for Caucasian men.


I would like to see Germany again. I spent two years there in the army, and it is such a beautiful country. In Oklahoma there are almost no buildings over a hundred years old, so when we see a bunch of two or three hundred year old buildings it does something to us. There is so much to discover there. I’ll never forget the sense of wonder and discovery I felt when I happened on The Residenz in Wurzburg, and the sense of letdown I felt when I saw Versaille outside Paris.

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I would like to go to Brazil, so beautiful and full of life and far away. Rio de Janeiro is it - the best… maybe when im rich
Kate xxx

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There are three countries I’d like to visit. The UK and Australia because I have two very close friends that live there and I’d like to visit them. The third is Russia, always wanted to go there, just personal taste.

I would like to visit Australia or revisit South Africa.

Egypt, a lot of countries in europe

Countries in the order of desire

a. Greenland
b. Iceland
c. Sweden
d. Italy/Greece
e. Portugal
f. China
g. New Zealand.

france… :fr: for the food for me :bread: …and the wine/champagne :wine_glass: for mrs. sith !?!
take care :alien:


Indonesia… it’s a dream of mine to go there.


Ireland so I could visit Pedro and some of my heritage. France is nice darksith I’ve been there the steak fondue was delicious.


I want to visit Japan. I like Japanese stuff, like anime and manga and green tea and reading books backwards :upside_down_face:


Why are you awake?!

I’d like to visit Iceland today.

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East Asia. Either Korea, Japan or greater China (including Taiwan and HK SAR).

e(Y)e Whanna See Tha Pyramids (!!!)

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us,australia,canada,somalia,ethopia,dafur,haiti,of course japan china,mynnmar,france germany,austria.
lastly all over the globe…haha…

Really, anywhere because I like to escape.

France, :fr: because of Disneyland…and Paris
And USA :statue_of_liberty: because many cool people live there :wink: