What are your current sleeping hours?

i generally am asleep by midnight sometimes earlier and awake by 8 or 9am, this morning i woke up at 530am. i had a twisted tea last night and im starting to realize i dont sleep as well when i’ve had alcohol even just a little. then the previous 2 months my sleep was all messed up from nicotine withdrawal. i’ve always slept at least 9 hours a night since ive been a teenager, but im noticing now that i seem to need less sleep than before, i don’t nap during the day either.


My insomnia is awful and I read part of good sleep hygiene is going to bed and getting up every day at the same time.

I typically go to bed around 11:00pm and get up around 7:00am

That can vary up or down about an hour from those times on occasion.


Take my 300mg Seraqoul at 5pm, and am in bed by 6pm usually. Where i wake up at 5am. If i got visitors i will stay up later, but im usually in bed by then cos ive got sick of the tv, and listen to a book in bed.


i sleep around 22:00 and wake up around 09:00


I sleep from 11:30-midnight to 9am everyday.


Normal for me is going to bed at 11, and getting up about 8:30 or 9. But in reality, I often wake up at 5:30 in the morning, or stay up late and sleep in. My sleep is this revolving door of ups and downs


I fall asleep between 9:00 PM and 10:30 PM. I wake up between 7:00 AM and 9:30 AM.

Unless I’m manic. Then I wake up at 3:00 AM and can’t go back to sleep.


I am noticing a new sleeping pattern starting to take shape for me. For the last several years I’ve been going to bed around 8 or 9 pm and waking up anywhere between 12 and 3. Often only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep. But for the last little while here I’ve been able to gradually stay up a little longer 9 or 10 pm and I’m sleeping till 5 or 6 am. It’s great. I’m really happy.


My sleeping hours are from 10/11 pm to 7h30/8 am, I can’t function properly if I don’t get my sleep.
I used to think I would do alright if I get to bed 11h30 pm or midgnight but I can’t, unfortunately I did so many mistakes cuz I wasn’t getting my sleep right.

Of course sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, but pdoc said it was alright if they weren’t straight hours and if I stay in bed to sleep the rest.


Right now I’m operating on about 4 1/2 hrs sleep and my grip on reality is pretty tenuous. With my med regimen, seems like I get kind of a “window” to get to sleep or else I’m up and down all night, and I don’t want to try a PRN 5mg Haldol cause I don’t know what interaction there might be with my 800mg Seroquel and 200mg Trazodone. So I just try to piece together some slices of sleep sometimes.

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I sleep from about 10pm to about 11am. :llama::llama::llama:

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Haldol never sedated me in a way that made me tired. It felt like the lights just were not on anymore and I was completely numbed by it

Horrible ■■■■

I see some do well on it though, but I am not one of them

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I go to bed at 11:15pm nowadays.

Been having broken sleep lately i wake up many times in the night but inbetween i sleep. Then around sunrise i am awake but nap until 8:30-9pm

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My exact experience! Total zombie. Worst experience since the f**king Mellaril they had me on as a kid. Like having your mind wrapped in wool.

The worst thing is I was chewing through Haldol when I was in hospital for PRN, just literally because it killed my will to be bored

In the community I took it for 1 year because I liked the non-weight gain aspect of it

Big mistake. That year never happened

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Usually when I think about dying I need sleep. I take valium to relax. The downside is that I got bad respiratory problems and this muscle relaxant gives me a deadly awakening. I try first to count my breathing cycles to hundred and back. No sleeping patterns.

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Keep on track peeps. We are all different and meds affect us differently. It’s not a race.

Saying that. I set an alarm for 5am everyday and most days I’m up before it. Sometimes I turn it off and sleep to like 5:30am. I go to sleep around 7-8pm depending on reading etc. I use a fitbit to track it and it seems pretty accurate so I’m doing around 7-8 hours sleep a day more on the 7 side of things.


That’s a shity place to be @iconoclast_01 . You’re already taking some heavy duty sleeping aids, hope it gets better. I have been up and down a lot lately myself, not sure what to do about it

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9pm to 530am or 540am

Pretty regular, 10-7l