What are you up to today?

I just got done helping my dad move a new dryer into the basement, hook it up and level it, and then move the old dryer out ,so I haven’t been on much today. I have a heart stress test tomorrow afternoon.

What are you up to? What are your plans?


Had my depot. That’s all. I’m feeling exhausted.


Had kebabs and energy drink, played video games. Waiting on my friend to finish work so he will call me. Its 3pm now.


I’m utterly exhausted today. I managed to go to TMS and scoop out the cat litter box. Running down to my pdoc and taking down Halloween decorations will have to wait until later this week.

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I read a bit in a book today, listened to music, drank a lot of coffee, was on the phone with my cousin and mum. Now it’s evening here. Just had a shower and took my evening meds.


Relaxing and waiting on a cake to finish baking.


Happy birthday ZombieMombie!


Thanks, man! What up?


I went back n for my group and individual therapy sessions. I’ve got an appointment with the pulmonologist tomorrow and am waiting to see if my case manager can take me or if I’ll have to take the bus.

I’m having a relaxing day after moving all the Halloween stuff back into the garage. I feel anxiety due to my upcoming court date. Other than that I feel fine. Trying to keep myself distracted. Not looking forward to it. Just want that day to pass. It’s on the 4th.

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It’ll ve here before you know it. I’m sure everything will work out just fine.

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Thanks! You’re awesome ZombieMombie. I’m glad you’re still part of the forum. I enjoy you’re witty sense of humor. Gosh, I don’t want to bring up all the times I’ve browsed through bad threads which you’ve had to lock. You really always seem calm and level-headed despite the zany remarks. I get the feeling sometimes being a mod is like, “Not this ■■■■ again…”

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I have a feeling things will go well. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I don’t think I’ll go back to jail and I’ve already been told my charge is what attorneys call a wobbler, meaning after completing probation it can be reduced to a misdemeanor. I really hope it gets dismissed but either way, I don’t plan on getting into any more trouble.


Good luck with your court hearing,

i have had a couple letters through to attend court as well but idk what to do about it, i need to call this girl i know about it, its really annoying.

@Bowens today was my longest day at college so far & it went ok thk god, 9hrs i was out and i finished an assessment for Ableton which i am very happy about, i was sharp this morning and all day actually but i had to be on the ball.


I walked with an incline for 20 minutes. That’s all I did because I’m not feeling my best today.


I’ve been self destructing all day, busy, busy with self torment, using my imagination.

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I walked to the university which took almost 33 minutes then I walked the track for a little over an hour then I walked back home

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I’m gonna help my mom make dinner in a few hours, then maybe watch some anime and chill with my kitties.

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I went to the supermarket and got a week’s worth of groceries, paid rent, and did my laundry. I think a part of me has been reduced to an animal, I just can’t stop abusing myself, the alternative is to be void.

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