What are you up to now

If its 3:45 AM there you guys are in the afternoon Waking up LATE???


Not waking up late. I got up at 6:30 am, which is early for me.

Do you catch enough sleep?

Sometimes this is an off day i went to sleep
at 11pm - 3am so i need a few more hours.

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I hope you can fall asleep again soon. I need loads of sleep to manage my symptoms.

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Yeah - my weeks been bad with my sleep off. Kinda go hand in hand.

Did you hear facebooks financials? They are screwed

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I’m in quarantine over here. So I’m sleeping pretty much a lot lol

Sure @Zoe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Sure @Zoe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes I did. They lost 200 billion $ in market cap on one day. I don’t invest in tech much. I just have Berkshire Hathaway shares too, which own a significant chunk of Apple. I trust Warren Buffet’s investment acumen.

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Knowing there business plans id keep apple google - Microsoft, Spotify and fb having some issues.

I’m curious about robinhood app one day. But seriously I’m more into bitcoin.

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Robinhood are burning money. I don’t think they have a sustainable business model. I use an app from my bank which isn’t too expensive.

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sitting in bed and writing now on this site

Good 2 know.
Coin base was good for crypto high risk return

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Hi @Andres_Britas

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I use to drink just to escape the outside voices

Yesterdays view in the AM


Hello! @Kxev :wink::+1:t2:

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@FuZzCasT is that good for you? Drinking with meds?

Last med adjust took 5 years, it’s good now

Nice and sunny. Here it’s been pretty cloudy.

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Alcohol makes it worse in my experience. What helps is sleep, distractions and meds.