I might have tacos or spaghetti I don’t know yet.
Go for the spaghetti.
I just had a bag of peanuts
Not really hungry but probably will whip up an omelette or something.
veggie pizza tonight. didn’t feel like cooking.
I had a teenburger and fries for lunch, so probably skip dinner
I am going to a Brazilian steakhouse so I will have a lot of meat. I am getting per diem right now. Will probably spend all of today’s on dinner
My father and I made Shepherds pie!
It’s baking in the oven right now.
Can’t wait to eat!
Having just salad because i overate yesterday
chocolate slimfast
@Wave I love shepherd’s pie - enjoy!
I had Tasty Bite Madras Lentils and a peanut butter Clif Bar.
Thanks @anon39736208!
should be nothing. i eat so much i’m a gangster foood. every about 4 hours eat, eat, eat
If I don’t feel lazy, chicken fajitas,
If I do feel lazy, frozen pizza.
For me. I’m having pizza rolls.
I had minced beef wid peas and potatoes
Haven’t eaten anything yet. I think I’ll have ravioi or chicken pot pie. Not hungry at all
Thank you, I got spaghetti with meat sauce.
I hope you enjoy
Niiiiice, I might have home made burgers tomorrow or go to a place.