What are we allowed to say and express?

Quote: How to explain something no one understands.

And I quote: pixel
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Who is moderating this forum? SzAdmin ?

Sorry if I am wrong about this but I think StarryNight wants to express more about genuine experiences.

Surely we are here to help and give our viewpoints. The website seems somewhat biased.

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What starrynight was talking about could easily trigger delusions. If she wants to talk about that sort of thing, she needs to find a forum dedicated to that subject.

Moved to Meta as this conversation is about how the site is run.

The site is centered on a scientific view of schizophrenia along the lines of those promulgated by Dr. Torrey:

The best science supports this view at this time. @SzAdmin posts new studies as they become available which help explain the science community’s view of this condition.

And it is a condition requiring some form of treatment (generally meds plus therapy) and a recovery-centric attitude. Both are promoted here. Those who have no interest in recovering and whose conversations explore unhealthy delusions to the point they wind up the symptoms of other members will start finding those conversations curtailed. There are plenty of sites on the Net for people who want to talk in great detail about how they are targeted by government/aliens/demons. This is the site for those who want to say, “I have this persistent delusion and I need support in escaping it.” The latter type of conversation is most certainly welcome here.

Those who want to wind themselves and others up to become even sicker should consider finding a different community.

(Wearing moderator hat)

cc: @SzAdmin - please correct me if I’m out of line.


I don’t know if there is somethings no one else ( or can begin) to understand but I sure do know there are plenty things that I find hard to explain. It’s part of life.

Not sure if that is true.

I quote: “that allow people diagnosed with mental illness to be forcibly committed and medicated…”

Sounds like doctor Frankenstein is here to me.

As an alternative I know and believe there are therapies that are drug free and involve counseling, caring and understanding.

Meds can be a boon to the pharmaceutical industry. Personal care is more expensive and more long term I guess.

Also to make a point that is often stated on this website: the idea that so-called normal people judge us and believe they know what we sometimes experience is ridiculous.

And finally weird and unexplainable stuff occasionally does happen

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My experience was genuine. It was not a delusion. My best friend was murdered and the murderer is in jail. I also lost my boyfriend this past year. I’ve gone through a lot of stress related to life and death. It hurts that I can’t even express some of my experiences related to life and death and schizophrenia. There were four witnesses to the object moving. My deceased friend was 19 and her name was Lexus. We were having a bonfire/get together at her parents house when a metal candle holder flew off the fridge and slid across the room in front of her step-dad. My friend Jorey and his cousin, and her parents all witnessed the object just fly off the top of the fridge and Jorey asked, “Yes what do you want Lexus, do you want us to use this in the party?” Since her passing, I’ve also witnessed a lighter fly off the bench next to me twice on separate times. I would have recorded this with a video camera if I had one, and if this didn’t happen so randomly.

Pixel’s point was that this is all a delusion, can trigger people with schizophrenia, and that I shouldn’t be trusted watching people’s kids. Because I spoke about an unusual experience and I have apparently, no right to talk about paranormal or abnormal experiences on this forum.

I should post this on a paranormal forum, you’re probably right. That doesn’t warrant having my personal life and mental health being attacked because I talked about an unusual subject and experience which I know others have had too. Because I’m not the only one who has had a weird experience like this after the death of a friend.

It just proves how the whole label of schizophrenia is the problem in the U.S. That’s why I am fine with havin Bipolar as a label now, and leaving behind the medicated pro-Pharma existence as while therapy and meds help, the bias and stigma and stupid brainwashing is what I hate about psychiatry and people who support the notion that schizophrenics are all sick and broken, and shouldn’t express their beliefs. I used to like this site, but it’s changed and so have I.

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That sounds like a great idea.


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