something weird has changed in me starting a few months ago. i find it really strange cause it has never happened before in my life. its sorta made up of 2 parts. one is i seem to have lost interest in almost all food, and pretty much all of the foods that i used to love. i never have a craving for food anymore. and 2, foods feel “dry” to me. and idk how to explain that. its not like a dry mouth or anything like that.
i used to like pizza, ice cream, cookies, candy, chips, cake and now i either dont want those foods at all or one of them like ice cream i can still eat some but i dont really care for it much.
and then a lot of the food i feel is “dry”. like a chocolate bar is “dry”. cookies are dry. cake is dry. pizza is dry. chips are dry. chicken is dry. bread is dry. pretty much all carbs. but i also dont care for meat either.
i ate macaroni and cheese today. it feels less dry cause it had a lot of sauce. everything i eat has to have a lot of sauce. i would prefer to just drink probably.
its just weird. one of my family members made some cookies that i used to beg them to make for me and i used to eat them. and i saw them and i didnt even care. theyve been there for days and i havent had one. and i dont want one. idk what i want haha