Weird interaction at a store

I went to the drug store to pick something up. The cashier said he was surprised at how the weather changed in one day. I agreed.

But then he went on a religious rant saying only he was listening to God and no one else was. He was even throwing his hands in the air and praising God. But also saying he was listening even if no one else was.

It was very strange. And very inappropriate. Should I tell a manager what happened?


I wouldn’t tell the manager because he could lose his job.

I would just let it go


Ok. Thanks for your input @Wave

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I’m sorry, that just brought a very funny picture to my mind.

I pictured someone who looks like that big bald guy in King of the Hill praisin’ Jesus in the middle of a drugstore. :sweat_smile:


He wasn’t bald, but that’s exactly what happened!!!

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Yeah, who knows. Maybe the guy was just feeling really spiritual atm, or maybe he’s totally Looney Tunes? It’s hard to tell.

If he does it again maybe just say something like “Hey ya know, this isn’t very appropriate atm.”

I wouldn’t take away someone’s bread over it though.

I once had a guy who worked at the thrift store talk about his new gun for like 10 minutes.

I just humored him, but it was super obnoxious because I could tell it was making the other customers super uncomfortable.

I felt like I was in some kind of twisted Robert Crumb cartoon.


You meet the craziest oddest people

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He could be struggling with psychosis


I never wanted to take his job away. I think you’re right. If he does something like that again, I’ll say something to him directly. But don’t worry, I’ll be nice about it.

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Oh I figured so!

I was just saying that for the sake of saying it.

You’re a very sweet person.


@FreeLunch - I’ve had 2 very strange experiences recently. So weird! But before I started asenapine a month and a half ago, I was very rarely out of the house in the last 10 years so maybe I’m just reacting strongly to things other people totally ignore. Who knows?! Maybe it’s tonight’s full moon that affected the guy!

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@Rainstorm , yes, he could. I’m not sure.

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Its thenmoon for sure.

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Lol! 15151515151515

Whew! That’s a tough one. I’d hate to see the guy lose his job, but his behavior might be alarming to the customers and drive away business. It’s up to you what you want to do. I imagine that if you don’t report him someone else will.

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That’s true. I’ve decided not to tell the manager but if he acts like that around me again I’ll say something to him directly. I felt judged and I was offended even though I knew deep down he was off. So I know others will take offense too. But I don’t want him to lose his job, so I won’t say anything to the manager.

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God knows what his motives are, but if he starts to single you out tell the manager immediately. If he is just being boistrous grin and bear it. Keep you distance, though.


Good advice. Thanks @crimby

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I don’t see why you couldn’t complain if it made you uncomfortable. It definitely doesn’t seem appropriate to me. Depends how much you care about it.

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sounds like maybe a delusional memory? are you sure he was praying to God in front of you? really? for sure? wow…he could be mentally ill…or just a zealot.

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