We talked briefly about reducing my Mirtazapine

Mirtazapine has helped me fall asleep easier and lifted a bit of my depression.I am currently taking 30mg and during my last appointment with my psychiatrist,he briefly mentioned that I can reduce my Mirtazapine to 15mg,I told him I am concern that I might not be able to fall asleep or I might be more prone to depress which can happen.In the end,we decided that I can try reducing one pill of my Mirtazapine Which is 15mg and see how it goes,I am planning to do it next Sunday and for two-three weeks to see how it goes.If I am getting more depress or my sleep got affected I will continue back to two pills,the best scenario is that I am still feeling about the same mood and can still fall asleep

I am currently on Abilify 5mg and Mirtazapine 30mg.I improved a lot recently because of meetup and I started to make friends

I am very contend with my life situation and feeling very stable and its been for 6 months already


Good for you for feeling good, hope all goes for the best.

I actually worry about losing my state of wellbeing,but 15mg of Mirtazapine isn’t too bad right?I improved a lot because I had my life routine and I meet friends and people every week not because of Mirtazapine alone.

I must remind myself not to play with fire and must stay with 5mg of abilify and at least 15mg of Mirtazapine for a longer term.I need abilify for long because I have schizophrenia and I don’t want to risk my mental health

I would hope not, but I seriously do not know. Have you said this to your doctor?

Yea,i said these and he said I can try reducing one pill of Mirtazapibe,I am taking two and if I starting to feel worse for two weeks just take back to two pills of Mirtazapine

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See? Already thought of, you shouldn’t worry about it.

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Man, 5mg of Abilify is low.

Mirtazapine is Remeron , right? I took it in the hospital and it made me tired.

Good luck and you can always go back to 30mg if 15mg doesn’t work out!