We may have succesfully ruined our earth beyond repair.. warning ranting

fukishima has successfully infected all of the warm pacific… the united states Canada japan and many many others have put a gag order out so the media is not allowed to talk about it… for fear of mass panic… that should say something… but yes in 5 short years with fukishima still pumping out massive amounts of waste… the pacific has been infected beyond repair… unsure of the half life of the waste fukishima is pumping out but if its they type I think it is its half life is stupid long… they cant contain the leak due to holy sheet high temps so no man or drone can get into the area to stop it… our fellow earth creatures will and are suffering beyond comprehension… will not go into detail but we can say the lucky ones die fast…

this is the worst disaster in human history… and we undeniably did it… seeking power… I don’t blame the Japanese if it didn’t happen there it would have happened somewhere else eventually… if this isn’t a call for alternative power then we are damned… how we leave earth is our gift to future humans… its a mess… this must be fixed…

starting with containing fukishimas leakage because its still pumping waste into the pacific… next we… would have to filter all of the pacific… without letting the clean water touch the infected… oh gods we are damned… science we need you… if only the countries would pull their heads out of oil and put them together we need a material that attracts and contains specifically this type of waste…in massive quantities but still filtering an entire ocean no matter how you go about it seems…impossible … this is more sever and important than any petty wars or conflicts we have currently or have ever had… I don’t want to place a link because I found the images horrid… but ■■■■ ■■■■ damn…

we may not feel the full effect of the monster we have unleased but the future def will… a giant portion of the earth will be a dead zone… one none should venture into… it radiates in all directions infecting the basic building blocks of life… may death come swift to our watery brothers and sisters… and no new young ones be born into that crap… that’s the best option for them… very sad…this hurts my heart… a whole ocean is dying at a rapid rate… and we are choosing to ignore it…either because of ignorance… or the more likely and dreadful option… they have no way of reversing what is done and must watch as billions of creatures…whole species are erased… can anyone think of how to reverse this…

so wild imaginations can write scifi… science can bring scifi into realization … use your big imaginations to focus on how to fix this…maybe the future can correct out mistakes…and it would be wonderful if past rantings sparked future innovation … would be extra wonderful if a sz mind sparked it… just saying this feels very much hopeless right now maybe writing down some wild ideas is our only productive means of helping currently… end of rant… but I feel more coming on…

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All the methane in the Antartic could cure the world of the human plague. It’s a thought.

To dark?

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lol I love it… would give earth time to heal… and would give any surviving species the chance to make the jump to super beings like we have… maybe the next hyper intelligent beings to walk earth will think of it as home. instead of a conquest… to be and be happy…instead of plotting to rule with an iron fist killing not only themselves but everything that stands in the way of progress… this is where human progress was leading us… if only we had diverged from fossil fuels earlier… we are damned for this… no it wasn’t too dark… its actually an appropriate end to our greedy species…

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I just want them to fix my brain

this is more important… this trumps everything short of asteroid the size of Europe headed right at us with a short timeframe to act.

we need a filtration method… bad… I saw this sponge made form a new material…it attracts and contains oil… the oil was in water the cloth wanted nothing to do with the water wanted only the oil… then you run the material through some wheels compressing out the oil and the material can be re used… we need something like that… but it would have to be almost completely drone run… humans could not filter…we could not collect the waste after filtration… we could not store it…drones is ok but would be nice to be 99% autonomous… autonomous can run 24/7 with no human error if the codes written correctly…so we need a filtering sponge that attracts and contains this type of waste… harvesters to collect… a large ship to drop off the material with the ability to contain massive amounts… would need a system to mash the infected material collect and contain the waste… storage… and a way to refit the harvestors with the now cleaned collection material…

if we could alteri googles self driving cars programming… crap right now all they have to worry about is left right forward backwards… we would have to write in a whole dimension of up down… then factor in currents deep water temp… pressure…all manner of obstacles the ocean has…would also need a renuable clean power source… see this is crap… even if all of humanity devoted all its resources to this… it would still take years to get it going…and gods know how long to filter out an entire ocean…

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It doesn’t matter as long as my brain is broken man.
I can’t aid in the cleanup or even write my local senator. I have no rights. I’m mental cattle.

we need some captain planet exmachina… wheres all those damn friendly aliens who want to help out nows a good time to step out of the shadows…

ok got another one… there are extremophiles … bacteria and small things that thrive in ridiculous conditions. the heat of active volcanoes… space… in acid… what if we altered one of these extremophiles… so im unsure if their is one that can survive and thrive in this type of waste… but its very possible… we could alter what they enjoy to eat… and release them into the ocean… in mass … it would clean itself… no robots…drones or humans required… . they are rather simple creatures genetically… so editing shouldn’t be ridiculous to ask… its bacteria… so testing on them is ok… small scale test would be easy… this seems possible… and the time frame is probably shortest so far…


dude sz have the wildest imaginations… that’s all you need… my brains broken… ive thought of 2 ways to combat this… if its possible now doesn’t matter… may be the future can harness our ideas… It does suck that our brains are broken… but it would be amazing if our broken brains sparked the minds that can combat this problem… we may move up on the list of things to fix…


oh ■■■■ my extremophiles remedy will be easier than I thought… there is one that was discovered that not only thrives in nuclear waste but that’s its freaking diet… can we mass produce them and will they survive in water… they may need some genetic help… but the basic requirements are already met…they not only enjoy that type of living but they eat it… ah… we already have bacteria that thrive in our waters… we need a hybrid… its bacteria this cannot be asking for too much… we can edit unborn humans to have 3 genetic parents… come on science… ok how do you present this to the ones who can execute this… step 1 identify those who can do… step 2 compile idea into a short and neat presentation … probably just a simple email… might want to recruit some of our more media friendly scientists… a push from the scientific community and the general public for funding and people would be very helpful…

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Check out this article might help, I really don’t have an opinion on it , don’t let the things you can’t control stress you out. Can’t do a thing about them

Google Chernobyl.
The earth has a way with mother nature cleaning up the messes the humans get themselves into, it just takes time to revert back to something worth living on.
It must look hilarious to other beings out there who have no want nor need to ‘conquer’ this planet, just give the humans a couple hundred years to do themselves in with by their own hands.
I’m not going to sweat now about how I’m going to die because in a few minutes, I’ll take the car and run a couple of errands downtown, and with my luck,
I’ll get hit by a bus and die today.

There’s my 2 cents on the subject.


My husband works in nuclear power, and I can tell you this is 100% not true. Fukushima has leaked small amounts of boron into the ocean, but no uranium. And it’s not a lot. And the ocean naturally contains a considerable amount of uranium. People are actually working on trying to mine uranium from the ocean, because there is so much of it, and it’s more environmentally friendly than mining underground.

And actually, the technology exists to recycle spent uranium and reduce its half life to a few hundred years. The problem is that it produces plutonium, and nuclear sanctions prohibit it.


that makes me feel slightly better… and you mostly hit it on the head… it is not as powerful a substance as I initially thought… so that’s a bonus… it is leaking a by product of the power plant contaminated water… containing 2 radioactive ingredients… cesium-137 and cesium-134 at a rate of .3 terabecquerels a month… so .3x60(for the 5 years its been leaking) plus the initial 5000 to 15000 released during the disaster…not a good number of these dangerous compounds… to give it kind of perspective…the fatboy they dropped on Hiroshima released 89 terabecquerels upon det of those 2 things… so this should still be a concern we just have some more time…

comparing this to chernoble is not an awesome idea… fukishima is leaking into a liquid… sure chernoble the wild life has flourished… but into less than awesome conditions… I watched a special on the wolves of chernoble… the level of radiation coursing through them is not pleasant… their life spans and breeding have been affected… plus its been shut down… its not continuing to pump nuclear waste into a liquid…

so yahh no raw materials or advanced items are being leaked…but even this waste is no good for anyone or anything…

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@flameoftherhine Once you’re done worrying about fukishima, you can start worrying about gassy cows. :grimacing: :smile:



Where r the planeteers when we need them


Guess you wouldn’t like it if I said we need more nuclear power plants not less.

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meh ranting threads usually require me to negate my actual opinion to let the train of thought play out… this was more therapy than anything… I accidently read this doom and gloom news… so had to ride the thoughts until I could assure myself either it wasn’t a death threat or that fixing it is within 10 years if our tech advances… I got both… @Ninjastar made me look up what materials were being leaked… so its not a drastic as my mind made it… and bacteria that eats nuclear waste is already here…

we may need more powerplants now but I hope they are silent giants of a bygone age before I die… the revolution of power will be required for space… the old way of tearing something apart to extract electricity leaving crap by products cant live forever… I hope… sorry…this is what happens when I read the news…watching it is worse…

@Moonbeam we could just grow steaks n burgers ina lab… the robots can do it…then cows could just be pets…for some reason cow farts has never been stuck in my head as a doomsday situation, lol

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I’m scared about fracking for natural gas. The say it’s safe, but people living in proximity to these fracking wells are able to light their water on fire as it comes out in their sinks. We were making great strides in the development of solar energy, but this fracking is going to take all interest away from that. I imagine that about the time we realize we have poisoned much of our water supply we will become more interested in solar energy. It’s a pity that it will take something like that to move us in the right direction.


lol fracking for gas… its hard to judge the severity of anything environmental… one side over hypes things the other down plays them… too much money is involved to get real answers… for example natural gas is worth a lot… is this new method of harvesting owned by anyone other than the main companies who deal in natural gas… if yes it could be a smear campaign to sway the public against this up and coming new company… has there been big cash payouts on incidents around a fracking well… if so it may be over hyped to produce more cases to collect more money…ect… fracking does seem like crap though… maybe we wont destroy our only home before the public demands a pull away from our current power providers… if they were smart… the ones who jump ship first will get stupid rich and look like the dam godsend for humanity… sad when greed is the most plausible means of change…

Money doesn’t talk. It roars. A lot more people have a stake in the success of fracking than those who are hurt by it. I can understand their desire for money. Some day I might like to have some myself. Because of this it is going to take some kind of major environmental catastrophe for us to rethink the safety of fracking. A major environmental catastrophe is bound to occur.

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