We are living in the sci future

Google is not evil I love their platform it’s functional and permeative

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Hehehehe kev you crack me up

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I’ve been trying to find out if Apple is interested in developing cities because I think that they could have eventually do that and they did. It would be so fuc ked up

Lol sorry spoke like a time traveler there
Just zenning

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Google is in trouble. Search is gonna change.

Googling will seem archaic soon

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Are you aware of competitor AMD?

I’m using perplexity.ai

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I may have heard of them in passing but I’m not familiar. What are they doing?

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I believe they are trying to compete on the hardware level, making cheaper chips

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Looking it up now

Why perplexity? Why do you like it?

Interface accuracy

It’s going in the right direction of how to search and find information.

I barely use google anymore cause it pulls up information seemed biased towards whoever google wants to put up on the top of the list.

When ai first came out I was paranoid. But now I prefer using it to learn new things.

And it has sources for everything it generates.

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That’s great. My concern with AI is the interface I fell like we are losing complexity and with it choices and control,
At least the bing app pisses me off I feel like it’s an arcade lol

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Every time they have a product I like and start to use it they go and cancel it. Google Plus Photos. Google Music. Picasa.

Arse. Holes.


My wife uses it extensively. It is the most powerful AI for Educators. She ranks ChatGPT4 as second. She says Bing and Gemini are tied for last place right now. She gets paid to present on the stuff at conferences in the U.S. so I assume she knows what she is talking about. She writes prompts two pages long.

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Agreed. The interface is really good. It keeps asking follow-up questions and sites sources in page. So i “feel” confident as I keep asking it to dig further.

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She also likes that.


Yeah Gemini is taking a hit. They really fuc ked up

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I haven’t heard Musk was into asteriod mining yet. He may not be, but my dream of buying a part of SpaceX if it went public is pretty much not going to happen. I don’t think they will ever be a public company. It doesn’t make sense.

I missed the Apple and Tesla stock opportunity. I was aware of Tesla back in 2011 when it was less than 10 dollars a stock and never bought any. I could have been rich, but hindsight is 20/20.

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My wife gave it data and a rubric and asked Gemini to grade written essays on Hamlet from her students. It came back and gave erroneous grading and feedback against Death of a Salesman. It was having a bad day. LOL.

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