Way of thinking

I had the following way of thinking when psychotic:

If someone makes a compound statement with verb and noun , they form a quadrant.

example, go walk and eat ice-cream

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
go eat eat walk
go icecream icecream walk

Basically a person receives all these messages go eat, eat and walk, go (for) ice cream, and icecream and walk

I had a theory that a person who was very compliant was at the very intersection of the statement in agreement, and others can be in other places in the quadrant.

A person may be like this:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
go eat 60% eat and walk 5%
go for icecream 25% walk and icecream 10%

That person would be somewhere in the top left of the quadrant.

I was thinking there was codes like this that underlie people that automatically sort them into certain space and put people at odds

So this kind of arragement:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Person A 100%
Person B 100%

would be at odds

I was messed up about meds and was thinking stuff like simple obediences like take meds and be rational

as creating intersections be taking, being (on) meds, take reason, rational medicine

I was becoming overintellectual so I guess I was 100% taking reason and not being on meds, be taking anything else, and against rational medicine.

I was doing this in my head with so many codes, but they had to be a certain grammar structure and needed very charitable interpretations

I was thinking that codes underlie everyone’s position in mind space and the codes and degrees they accept them align them together and against eachother

There was more than this, but i guess ultimately I was doing it because I saw people just being obedient to codes to varying degrees, was not complying for whatever reason, and was seeing people in a persecution system

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Chomsky and pinkers little brother over here :joy:

Both linguist

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Damn…that’s interesting bro. So was there ever anything below the codes ??? Like the mechanism that turned out certain outcomes ?

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No idea. I sort of disproved the basic idea to myself when I got back on meds.

Yea …I figured but was curious. If I had the brains I would love to actually understand some of the brass tacks of mind and behavior.

Anyways… did you eat those beans :yum:

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I know I’m the same way I wanted to understand basic stuff about why people are the way they are.

All research is me-search :grin:

At least in my case when I was into a some of that stuff I really wanted to know why I was Soo ■■■■■■ up !!

It’s not a mystery, we are complex entities we an break and go wrong like anything made of parts

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