Wanting to know this

What is the invega sustenna half life theory? I was on 234mg for one year. I’m hoping my pdoc will listen to me over my mother and put me on Aristada. I think it’s a better med for me. Right now I am getting negative symptoms really bad and I think invega is causing them. Maybe secondary negative symptoms I think. I feel terrible still lactating and others. Was wondering if I got 234 mg of invega a month how long will it take me to start getting better?

That should be enough for your Dr to take you off Invega.

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I know but they don’t ever listen to me they always listen to my mom

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Did she tell the Dr about that side effect?

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They prescribed me something for the lactating and it’s not working. She calls them behind my back. I try to tell them to stop talking to her. She gets mad if they don’t… this is why I am trying to move out. I will never speak to her again for putting me thru this. I wanted to know how long will it be b4 I feel better.

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