Can’t decide on which one. But for reference, it’s going next to a guitar tattoo that has roses on it.
Here’s my current tattoo
- Sunflower
- Spikes
0 voters
Can’t decide on which one. But for reference, it’s going next to a guitar tattoo that has roses on it.
Here’s my current tattoo
0 voters
The sunflower skull is sweet🤘
Are you doing it in color or black n white??
I want to do the flower part in color. Can’t decide between just yellow or blue and green
Sunflower with color on the tips, compliment the colors of the one you currently have.
That’s my vote.
I vote henna ink instead of a tat. I occasionally go get these. They’re fun, but not permanent.
For what it’s worth, do the colors of full bloom of yellows and and reds, symbolized a flower in bloom at its strongest. A symbol of actualization.
Ooh I like that idea!
Enjoy dude. You deserve to treat yourself.
The spikes is not leading the poll but I love that one the best.
Hope you like whichever one you decide.
I like flames with skulls. Maybe you could have flaming petals on the sunflower??
Anyways, I voted spikes
Either way you’re going to have a cool tattoo
My advice would be to get the artist to redraw it and put their mark on it to make it original
On my left arm I have a sleeve that on the lower arm is the artists interpretation of the album cover of Ixnay on the Hombre by the Offspring
Looks pretty cool, and I think the artist enjoyed doing it
Oh yeah im.not getting a copy of them just drawing inspiration. I think I’m going with the sunflower one as much as I like the other one. The sunflower would fit in better with my guitar tattoo, a d I like them both equally. Plus she said she has to do it kinda small since she’s an apprentice.
Just wanted to say your tattoo is pretty rad.
Thank you! It’s pretty old but holding up well
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