Vitamin therapy

I take fish oils
I am thinking of taking a vitamin that claims to be good for brain function


Have u tried sarcosine and l theanine…!!!

Don’t think I can get them here

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Yes u can buy it from amazon or ebay…but i am sure i cant get in nepal… tho ask ur gp about it …


Thanks farcry I will do


wish you good luck in experimenting Vitamins and amino acids. I heard Vitamin D, B and E is good for brain. I have tried sarcosine and L theanine but only found they don’t suit me.


Green do u celebrate new year… are u Christian. …

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I celebrate both Christmas and Chinese New Year, however I am neither Christian nor Confucianist. I am a Zen Buddhist.


Okay fine green…how are ur kids …did they went out to celebrate new year eve…

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my kid lives in Australia and he grew up in Australia. Celebration of Christmas is part of his childhood. My family migrated a lot and is an international family.


Hey green i like u engish writing skill …have u been to any english speaking country…

Definitely. I had lived in Australia for ten years. I learned English mostly from Australians.

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Do u work green… i tried never been sucessful… i am worried that i will spent my whole like not working…

My husband wants me to stay home and to enjoy reading and writing. He pays for the housework I did. I think you can try simple work such as security guard or shop assistant. Not sure about those jobs in your country though.

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Antipsychotics on a daily base tend to deplete vitamins in the body. That s why I take a multivitamins+minerals supplementation.


Anti Psychotics deplete vitamins?

Im really missed that bus !!

Im going to take a â– â– â– â–  load of vitamins this coming year


Me too I’ll try anything

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Moreover, nutrients like vegetables and fruits are less nutritious than devades before.

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What vitamins are you interested in Shellys12?