Virtual reality machine

My stepson brought one over last night and wanted everyone to try it. I freaked out a little and said I don’t think it’s good for people with schizophrenia. My stepson looked at me like I was an alien, I guess his dad never told him I have sza. Well he knows now. Oh well. Would you ever do virtual reality? I googled it and it said it’s like a sz see’s things all the time, now it’s got me curious. Should I try it?

Yes try it I never have but I would

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Which Virtual Reality headset did he bring? The two main leading VR devices are the Oculus Rift & HTC Vive. I assume he also brought the 2 handheld controllers as well.

I think you should try it. VR is mostly aimed at the gaming market which is mainly for boys with their toys.


he brought evo vr, I think that’s it. They were acting weird when they did it. I’m scared.

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It’s not anything like sz from what I can tell. Like said above, it’s just video games. It’s more like being in a fun house only you can’t really move distance because of the teather that links the head gear to the machine. You can move distance in the virtual world however if the game allows it. Mainly you just look around with your head instead of a controller (which was why it’s so easy to market to boys).

What you read online probably spoke of augmented reality. Which is kind of the same but it’s not. Augmented reality is more like a screen (like your phone) placing objects into the real world while virtual reality is more like placing you into a virtual world. Pokemon Go is an example of augmented reality.

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Mecury EVO VR sold at WalMart. Yeah, people’s movements are based on what they see in the headset.

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