Cant fall asleep, Im vaping like crazy and Ive got bad thoughts creeping in. Whos up to chat? lol
Just about to move off and cook some dinner for the old man and I.
Ease up on the vaping. Smoking used to make me less sleepy so I presume it’s a similar thing…
Hey there. I’m probably going to be up all night too. I’m drinking coffee so. I’m a night owl. So what’s up?
Nice! Whatcha cooking?
I know it does for me too, bad habits die hard I guess
Hey there fellow night owl. Was mostly making some tunes just now, sitting here thinking what I should write for lyrics
Sweet! I write some poetry. I started an epic novel I haven’t touched in a while. Still trying to find inspiration to move forward with it. Don’t know when that’s gonna happen. These meds make everything in my brain slow and void of emotion.
Am up wats good?
Wow a novel thats pretty cool! I get what you mean with the meds though, abilify just makes my mind all cloudy. Beats the voices though. What page have you got to so far?
@Etch-A-Sketch Kickin it my friend whats good wth you?
Same bro i got a couple friends over listening to music chillin it’s 2:00am but hey I ain’t got nothing to do tomorrow
Sounds like a chill kinda night man I like it
What kinda jams you bumpin
Everything and everything right now listening to:
I have 200 pages so far. I was psychotic and thought I was a prophet of “zeus” during some of that writing. But now that I’m out of that delusion, I have no creativity. It’s like I’ve lost something, but at the same time I’m happy I’m not confused and lost anymore.
@Cici2 Thats pretty good already, almost a full book there. I know what you mean about the meds, I just feel flat now. I used to counteract it with weed (would not recommend) but now that Im clean and sober its just bleh. I try to push through it anyway though. Better this than out of your mind, right?
@Etch-A-Sketch Thats a beach song if Ive ever heard one. This is one of my favorite beach tracks
Right! I have some cousin’s that have asked what’s happened to my “quarkiness” lol some people miss my ramblings, if you can believe that. I think I’m more serious now that I’m sane. Oh well… I read you were vaping. I used to vape, til my vape mod sparked in my face and fully exploded in my purse. My guess is I left it on and it lost battery. Either way I’m scared to stick another mod to my face after that.
Yeah my homie put me on to that song today was the first time I heard it I like it when it comes to wale tho my favorite track is lotus flower bomb
Lmao “quarkiness” I like that Im gonna start using that word. I was also super quarky before meds, dont think people miss that me though haha
That is so crazy about the vape, I used to fix mods for my friends and I saw some crazy stuff but never an exploding vape. You must be cursed!
Thats another classic. I feel like 2011 was a good year for hip hop. Wale’s from my city so I got to see him before he got featured in Guilty Pleasure No Hands. Good times
I must be… haha! Is it hot out where you live? Our AC is on the fritz so I’m burning up right now. And I’m drinking cold coffee…lol it’s all backwards right now. We need a cold front.
Its super hot here too. I live in DC, when they say “drain the swamp” theyre not lying its swampy here! Never thought Id miss winter so much. Im moving to Sweden so Im sure Ill regret that I said that lol hello 4 feet of snow
Awesome! I love Sweden wish I could move to Finland, since that’s where my family originated. I’ve always wanted to move to a Northern European country though. My husband thinks Scotland would be better, since he’s Scots Irish.