140 bucks! Totally covers my last two months worth of fuel.
Cool @anon20613941. I live in California, USA and a while back i used to get renter’s assistance checks once a year. They were stopped when Jerry Brown became governor. It was a nice bonus, I usually used the extra money to buy something a couldn’t normally afford.
That sucks you lost your check. I was a bit worried when I updated my meter readings and got a pretty big bill. Was about to transfer some money when I saw the rebate had come in. Basically meant my extra winter fuel costs were covered.
I am very appreciative of this.
It’s great that you got a fuel rebate. I didn’t know they did this in the UK. Is it for people receiving DLA/PIP?
That’s great @anon20613941 . I’m still waiting to hear about mine but I only applied for it a month or two ago.
Cheers for you. It is in deed a bonus, @anon20613941
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