Trust issues

has anybody got any issues with trust, like trusting people,

i only trust people who look ok, and act in a certain way,

some people rub me up the wrong way and i cannot trust them bc of this,

that is why i find it so hard to make friends, luckily i have made a few good ones but it is so hard finding someone you can trust,

my friend upset me but i forgave her bc i knew that she is a good person at heart and that i could still trust her, but that doesnt happen to just anyone, you really need to build up a good level of trust for that to happen.


I trust no one - well maybe my parents, but thats about it.
I have been burned a million times and my illness does not make things easier


I trust people in general as Iā€™m pretty sure they trust me in that I wonā€™t run into them when driving past them going the other way while driving or I would not drive at all. I trust that they are trusting in God as well as I put my trust in Him. Otherwise I would not trust them if they didnā€™t show any sign of trusting in a higher power. Itā€™s a real blow to my ego and self image in knowing that my family can only trust me just so much any more because of my un-disciplined ways in the past that they are quite aware of. Itā€™s like that saying : ā€œFool me once and itā€™s shame on you, but fool me twice itā€™s shame on meā€. Trust is something we just canā€™t get back to itā€™s original value.

I trust no one. Iā€™m trying to do better at this though. I trust my 4-month old the most. :smile:


Itā€™s best not to trust too much. It is best not to be too innocent. I know I can trust myself to always mess up any situation.

I trust people who have known me for a long time, before my illness, and people with PhDs or MDs. I trust psychologists for some reason. I also trust people who simply seem genuine.

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Ditto. I feel we have similar issues/symptoms.

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No, I donā€™t trust anybody really. Maybe thatā€™s why I like watching Jerry Springer, proving to myself that people are untrustworthy in general. The ā€˜fool me one shame on you, fool me twice shame on meā€™ concept which I live by pretty much keeps me isolated.

I trust people to a degree. I think I am a unconsciously suspicious of most people because of the schizophrenia. As you get older, it can get weird. I remember when I was 27 I had a friend I met in a group home. We hung out and partied together for a few months. I trusted him and I thought I knew him but he did several weird things that made me wary of other people.

Once we were walking towards our local town to get crack which happened to have the highest murder rate of any city in California (at the time). It was a good mile and a half walk.

We were halfway there when a distraught young couple walked up to us and stopped us. They told us their dog had escaped from their back yard and ran away. They were practically crying. They asked us if we had seen it and described it to us. My friend says, ā€œYeah we saw it about two blocks behind us. A car had hit it and it was deadā€. I couldnā€™t believe my ears. We had not seen any dog, anywhere. It was a cruel thing to do. He did a couple other things that were just as bad.

Although I 've burned many many times, I usually trust everyone, that must be part of my illness, 'cos itā€™s not logical. I must not trust anyone again, I think that doing this thing (trusting everyone) happens because I hate myself.

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For the most partā€¦ my family is very supportive. But I have one brother who has messed with me far more then any stranger could.

I think Iā€™m getting better with trust. At least on a basic level.

I donā€™t trust everyone I knowā€¦ I donā€™t distrust everyone I donā€™t know. Iā€™m working on balance.

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I trust no one, not my parents, siblings, no one. Ive oddly come to some what trust my boyfriend.
I dont eat my mothers cooking, i dont trust my fathers anger, my sister is too darn friendly.

I fear my mother is trying to poison me, my dad trying to shoot me or physically harm me and my sister is all behind it.

I trust no one on the streets at all. People in stores, schools and cars are all dangerous.
If you pull up beside my car I will have a panic attack, if you walk into a room or a store I will watch you do so, because gods knows what you might have on you. Donā€™t let me get a bad feeling because I will run out there.
I have a hard time with eating food because it could be contaminated. I will only take half a dose of my medication just in case a full dose might kill me.

BUT, I know my family isnā€™t trying to hurt me.
Iā€™m just constantly living in fear.

If youā€™re taking a half dose you might be taking a sub therapeutic dose which is like taking no meds at all.

I think you will like it here ā€¦ This site may help you to sort these fears out and see whatā€™s real and whatā€™s unreal. Welcome.

What does sub therapeutic mean?

Anti psychotics have a minimim level at which they work. Below that level theyā€™re no better than placebos. E.g. 10mg is the therapeutic level for abilify. 5mg works no better than a placebo.

Oh. Thank you i didnt know that.

I trust no oneā€“especially relatives.

I trust my dad and my friend apart from that itā€™s a gamble.

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trust is an issue with me as well. oddly enough I trust people on this site maybe because it is cyberspace.
