To love or not to love

As the feminists would said


Ground soaks up heartbreak,
Fair of nations dying young,
Ground holy and profane,
The why drowned in red streams.

From the sixties:

“A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”


Too bad im not a feminist :unamused:

My parents are encouraging me strongly to get married and have children. I’ve never had a real GF before…but my mom was 43 when she had me and now I’m almost 25 and she’s encouraging me real strongly cuz she wants grandchildren and whatnot…

and my sister doesnt seem to want children that much

indifferent mostly, last relationship ended badly, I would love to get laid but I don’t want to go out with anyone, I know “they” will just use it against me and she’ll become another voice tormenting me, last girlfriend nearly wiped my mind out of existence and took control lol, don’t want that to happen again, its not a nice feeling becoming someone else against your will.

Idk pressure is unnatural. You are just 25.
Fitting into social standards…it sucks.

She said “When are you going to have kids?” And I said “Not in the next 9 months”…Lol.

My sisters 29, she should be the one with the pressure not me

That is tough. I think i have a frame of such the situation. Is there anyone you can trust?

Well im certainly not a person who should give an advices but its really insane to have a kids just because someone thinks it is supposed to.
Kid ain’t a toy. Neither are you!


Happily single, this situation at present screams “be single!”

Unhappily disabled though.

So my life became an endless and agonizing concert on youtube.

Even in ancient times i would have realized that people had to have some kids and work as a team, but once i saw it was an endless reproducing sex romp that would reach into the millions upon millions and millions more still i just would have been single.

This woman says once “i had kids because i didn’t want to be alone”, she said it with incredible pride and gall though. My mouth dropped open, i couldn’t believe you forced mortality on someone because you wanted someone to watch movies with(in principle).


the conversation came up because I was talking about homeschooling and I kept talking about how I’m going to homeschool my kids and teach them really cool, interesting stuff, and raise them on the path to be a philosopher or a writer or a musician or something interesting, and then my mom eventually was like “SO WHEN IS THIS GONNA HAPPEN”…and she got real sensitive.

So it was my choice and I think it’d be cool to have a kid but I’m not going to force anything.

Good advice though!

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Love comes first, and then love is second, and then love is third.

Thats english, it’s what we do.

Caring for eachother’s well being is first.

Enjoying eachother is second, you won’t enjoy eachother if you don’t care for one another’s well being first.

Romantics, or lust, sex, thats dead last and people prove it repeatedly.


Oh, you philosophers! Overthinking. Deconstructing. Ironizing. Can we just have a one fairy tale left from your greedy fingers of destruction.?
Im kidding @pansdisease

Whats wrong with that? We are all esentially egoistic anyways.

Don’t say fairy to me. The last fairy i saw i was being tortured for a month straight. No wonder they call them fairy tales.

I thought you were a guy .

I am. Never heard of a stay at home Dad? Lol. I was half joking about the whole home schooling thing. But if I had kids I would teach them a lot of things. Maybe I wouldn’t homeschool them but I would steer them in a direction my parents never steered me in. Read them real deep books and whatnot and talk to them about deeeep stuff…like totally bro. Lol.

It wasn’t meant to be a “You raised me wrong Mom” thing, but it may have come off that way.

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This is hilarious. All the time you’re like “mum wants me to have a kids” so i thought you meant pregnancy.
But you are an awesome guy though.
nice to have a vision how you wanna raise them.
Im sure that your mom did the best she could.

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i’m a feminist :slight_smile:

I choose unhappily indifferent. How could I be otherwise. Never loved anyone - I don’t know why. Or been in a relationship. A couple of brief meetings that ended with the season.