The voices took drugs away

My voices made it that I dont feel cigs nor atavan any more and say iam being punished does any one else have this they say they disconnected brain tissue and that I cant even get drunk any more but I haven’t tried this Is very distressing they tell that they are archons and have the power to due this cuz god hates me and they make me feel high some times when I coughf that’s the only high I get

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Some of it still helps doesnt it? Are you sleeping ok? Keep taking your meds and just ride it out I guess. What would you do in a situation like this @Jesse25 ha. Lol

Some social workers take expensive cocaine and drink posh wine aswell,

God doesn’t hate you. You just have to figure out how to repair the physical damage, and you’ll get your life back.

Feels like he hates you cause you are trying to argue with physics and biology to fix it. Why would that work?


Thanks that means alot

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Naw dont feel atavan or cigs

Both of those drugs have diminishing returns as far as I’m aware.

I feel nothing though

Maybe you’re subconsciously tricking yourself into ignoring those feelings?

Hey Jesse. Those voices are just a hallucination. I wouldn’t pay them too much attention if I were you. Accept that they are there, and move on. Try and distract yourself with something. Like watch TV/draw/listening to music or go for a walk. Trying to work out if what they are saying is true is just a waste of effort.

Have you talked to a doctor at all about the voices? If its gotten a lot worse since you last spoke to a doctor I would try and get another appointment.

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