The scariest symptom is anosognosia (lack of insight)

That’s what I think.

Here’s an article about it.


I think i had a mild case. Took several years to overcome it. Ironically, it was cured by a dream or delusion about a past life.

Worse case now is I think mine was artificially induced on purpose, but i still think 99% of the time I got schizo affective disorder.

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I notice sometimes on the forum that people can accept that they have schizophrenia but still believe in their delusions.

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I think it can it can put a lot of stress on family members of the person who lacks insight.


figured something was wrong after 10 years and not being able to move forward despite trying hard.

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Whether progress is quick or slow it’s still progress.

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I take my medicine because over time I’ve learned I feel better and function better when I take it but honestly, in the back of my mind I still don’t accept that I have sza. I feel there’s a possibility that they’re wrong despite all the evidence. I know that’s part of the illness and I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. I struggle with my insight.


I avoided a direct gaze in the mirror for the same reason. I wouldn’t admit the self love just wasn’t there.

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