Everytime I see the guy with the goatee and gap in his front teeth I wonder, “what is just behind his ear?” Does anyone else notice that? What am I seeing?
No. I should screenshot it though. Good advice.
This guy. What’s behind his ear?
I bet its a portal to another dimension not of this universe. Where fractals are abstract and touchable and the thirst for humor consumes you to the very core. And when you come back you will be the greatest comedian the world has ever seen. The world will be forever changed by your deep thirst and expression for humor. They will tell tales of you for millennia and we will not forget…
Have a nice day
It just looks like hair to me
I see a dollar bill. NEGATIVE subliminal messaging???
That’s just going a bit over the top but you have a great imagination.
Thats really not funny at all…especially the bit about fractals…
That is not hair. Hair doesn’t jut out like that.
How close can I get
It’s his hair. Mystery over. I was right.
Just a bad hair cut and a bad edit lol tbh i thought of chocolate and marshmallows lol
But this guys hair justs out like that
Damn, girl. I stand corrected. Two points for you.
Now I’m wondering how you knew where to find the stock photo?
It’s Pretty easy. I cut the photo and search the stock photos similar.
The guy has never taken the med
Oh yeah. People were speculating on that in another thread. So many problems solved right now. Super sleuth Ish should become a P.I.