The meaning of human nature

This video shows very well, in my opinion, how the core of the human nature is. Scared, kind of aggressive and society reliant.

So many of us ditch society in one way or another, when it’s impossible for us to survive without it. I think it’s wishful thinking to believe we don’t need others, and the process of isolation is more harmful than good.

If we substract the technological advances we have created, we are just like this people. Yeah, they look kind of funny. We can even look down on them, feeling some sort of condescension. But we are just exactly like them.

So that is what life is like without cameras.


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You should read Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.

This one is pretty interesting read. I’m reading his other book homo deus and it’s starting out good too!!! Obama read it too lol

Craziest thing I remember is that when agriculture started to take over the people were actually less happy than when hunter gathers l… it wasn’t until later on that it made life better. Also I’ve heard people say that we are probably not actually happier than hunter gathers… Something about base line happiness due to your brain …

Also Steven pinker has me some good books too. Enlightenment now was one of his good one !!!

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