This a thread for offering love and hugs to the person above you. We all need some love, sometimes. Since I’m at the top, I’ll give my love to @roxanna. You have to fight with your own brain on a daily basis, and you still find time to do nice things for other people, like making a blanket for your mom. Hugs to you!
I’ll give love to you, Ninja. I don’t know what’s going on, but I saw you mentioned a funeral. I’m really sorry you lost someone you cared about. I hope you’re able to get through it okay and get a good cry in.
It must be really hard being a mom but you do it well, even when things are hard for you. Your child is loved and so are you.
@Sardonic (((((hugs))))) I hope you have a fantastic day full of joy and happiness.
@Leaf. Your great! (hugs). May your week be filled with good times
@anon90843118 I admire your courage and strength ((Hugs)).
Take care
@Montezuma a big hug like book ends!
Love to turtle.always nice to me.
Thanks.ninjastar You help me a lot with my delusions.
Monte you seem happy alot I love you
You are my Aussie comic-book-latazzi.
@Roxanna another hug to you for your turtle thread
@ThePickinSkunk you always make me laugh. Hugs.
I’m giving virtual hugs to everyone on this forum !
((hugs)) for you
I thought what you said was really nice just have to give u a ((hug)) of appreciation. Take care
@anon90843118 Would I crush you with a hug? I am old so I think I’ll just stand back and watch you beautiful people.
Hey no one gets left out!
@anon90843118 You seem like an awesome person! I admire your kindness and strength. Hugs
Piling on hugs for @PinCushion and @antidepressant044!!!
Hugs to you, @Ninjastar for being an awesome moderator and very caring person!
And hugs for everyone else. This is a lovely community and I’m grateful to have found it.
I admire YOUR kindness and strength.