The frog delusion

I used to hear people talk like frogs. Usually it would be while I was watching TV and someone would be talking on TV and it would sound like they were croaking.

Does anyone else have this or is this like the time I thought all paper money had my picture on it?


I don’t remember having delusions watching tv. It sounds like your mind is playing tricks on you.

I had an episode where everyone seemed to be speaking Dutch, or with a Dutch accent. It was not in a location where Dutch is normally spoken. It was psychologically meaningful, because I had been listening to a Dutch radio station.


my sister used to ask if she was a frog
i had no idea why she kept asking

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i’m a bit scared of them
our cats used to bring them in at our old place
when i rescued one it screamed like a woman
unbelievably loud and unexpected
now i have a minor phobia
i hate even images of frogs and when it’s autumn and i’m driving in the dark the leaves all look like frogs to me
scary as hell

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We used to have them on our front lawn at night. I remember stepping on one accidentally. I never want to do that again.

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oh god
that also happened to me, we had a pond

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I can never tell when @77nick77 is joking or when he’s serious. I think he was joking about the frog thing. You are an enigma to me @77nick77 .


No, I was serious about the frog thing, even though it seems funny.


I can always tell when @77nick77 is joking and when he’s serious. FYI I think he’s joking like 95% of the time. Correct me if I’m wrong @77nick77 .

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