The cause of tactile hallucinations

What if tactiles hallucinations are just hypersensitivity between the communication of your organs, and you could feel them?

I hope this makes sense :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

For me hallucinations were that if you believe something is going to happen so much that it actually happens in your brain. It is the same with voices.

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Isnt that just a coincidence?

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What do you mean?

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I get all sorts of tactile halusitations that feel like a movie and annoy the heck out of me they also make music more sad

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Like, you predict something; and it happens.

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Yes all the time or some thing my voices say is on TV or some thing my family says

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Well, the way I stopped hallucinating was when I realized it happens because I believe in it. When I stopped believing in communicating with people in my head, I pretty quickly stopped hallucinating. I think it is mainly a belief thing that happens because of a life crisis and a lot of stress to the mind.


I have tried to stop communicating with my voices but the delusions just get more aggressive to try to get me to make deals with them or command halusitations


They also use tactile halusitations to get there point across more thoughraly


Thats what I mean @Jesse25, you cant communicate with your voices because they are not real. You just think you are communicating with something. Life gets a lot better when you realize that thing you believe in that is a bit off is actually off because it is not actually real, it is just what the illness did to you. Like I believed in dead people talking to me and teasing me, and one day I went. OK I dont think they are actually talking to me and teasing me, it is just in my head. And after that, they went away pretty quickly.

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Its a belief thing, not random hallucinations. If you think you will hear a response, you will hear a response.


They come up with some crazy delusions and say every one hates me cuz iam week they even put on games shows where I am getting tortured by evil people and aliens it sucks. They even have the street names that where my grandma lives delusions of what I have. They always say that I am the number one being in the univers or they just said multi verse that cant quit smoking and nothing is real and i am asleep in hell it sucks. I can hear things in my brain and they say there disconnecting brain tissue like squeaking or clicking and it’s hard to in vision things in my brain or think in my own voice any more. It’s bad I dont even feel drugs any more which supports the theory of them disconnecting brain tissue


Yeah, I used to be the same. It is a lot to go through.

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That happened to me. My voices were gone for 8 months, but then recently I was afraid of hearing a voice (expecting to hear something) then I began hearing whispers


The great thing about life is there is no way to communicate with people in your head. 100%. Absoloutley none. Nada. It could cause you a lot of anxiety thinking about it after it has happened, like you are afraid it will happen again. Like a fear response because of what you have been through. But you could probably get over that too.


I wish I didn’t think about the voices as much then I probably wouldn’t have brought them back. Sucks to be me, right?


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