The best year of your life

My favourite year was 2014 when I got to go to Tokyo and New York.

A friend of mine back then worked for Virgin Atlantic, and all we had to do was pay the tax, and the flight was basically free.

Choose what ‘half truths’ you wanted out of that if it pleases you


2001 when I left school has to be the best year.

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Actually really enjoying myself right now.


2010… I was in highschool, had my driver’s license, had a job, had my friend group… The psychosis had mostly abated, for the moment. No real responsibilities, just good times and good vibes.

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  1. The year before my first psychosis. Was on the top of my game, Alive and living in Singapore. Swimming each morning before going to work and fitness in the evening.

Me too actually, it’s peaceful

There haven’t many great ones for me, in fact I wouldn’t know how to go about “ranking” years like baseball stats on a bubblegum card. But to play along, I’d say the year of my birth, 1977. Without birth, all subsequent years would not be possible. :baby:

that’s silly. you were just sleeping, eating, and sh-itting at your birth.
Maybe you feel this way today?

Plus I was born in December so technically I was only doing those things for two weeks.
How does one measure the best year of life? I guess 2005, that’s the year I met my ex and worked two jobs. It didn’t last long though, I found myself in the middle of busy intersection directing traffic one morning. The sex was good though.

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Oh I don’t recall a specific year tbh. But college for the two years I studied was pretty good as I finished my accounting associates and met some cool people in the process.



My high school years. 1983 to 1986. Or my years living in banff. 1990 to 1992.

I’d say the years my kids were born but I had extreme postpartum depression.


@FatMama Banff isabsolutely gorgeous, you’re lucky to have lived there. I’m jealous!!

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