The average wedding costs well over $30,000. Some couples are having ‘micro weddings’ instead

That’s smart. I would probably do something like that if I had a wedding. I don’t expect to pay nothing just out of respect but I think it would be silly to put ourselves into slavery for years just to pay for one extravagant night.

Max I would want to pay is like 5k which I know is probably next to impossible these days.

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My wife’s uncle did our wedding photos and they were decent. Most our money went into catering because of the sheer number of guests on the wife’s side. You can’t not invite a third cousin of a third cousin or they’ll be mortally offended forever. They also breed like rabbits.


I’ve seen weddings that were out in tropical climates like Costa Rica I wonder how much that would cost

My mom and dad eloped and were married in a courthouse with 2 friends as witnesses. They went to McDonald’s for their wedding dinner…they’ve been married now for over 50 years and are still going strong. I gotta respect that, and their love for each other wasn’t expensive.

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Over here no wedding seens, only attending !

When I got married 24 years ago, my parents kicked in $2000.00…my in-laws gave $2000.00 and Hon and I gave the same. So $6000.00 pretty much covered the Wedding and nobody got hurt financially.

Of course, this was nearly a quarter century ago. Prices have gone way up since then…the cost of living especially.

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Cool! I was married in September of the same year!


It’s our 24th anniversary this on July 8th. I guess it is our “opal” anniversary.


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