Thanks for the memories

Memories from psychosis. When I was living in Soteria House I was psychotic for more than a year. Soteria House was a world famous, experimental house for schizophrenics. It was an alternative to medication and hospitals, they rented a huge house in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, staffed it with 6 or 7 counselors and put 4 or 5 schizophrenics in it to live.

The counselors had no experience in the psychiatric field, they were hired for being friendly, empathetic, open minded, outgoing and being accepting. Anyways, if you want to know more about it, do a search for my old posts about it. There used to be 6 or 7 of them around the world, now I think there’s still one or two left.

Anyways, when I lived there there was this guy my age (20) living there too. I won’t use his real name though this was 1980 and the chances of anyone knowing him or him reading this are a million to one.

Like I said, I was psychotic while I was there and one day, this guy and a counselor named Linda invited me to go to San Jose airport with them, they had something to show me. I was up for anything those days so I went along with them. We got on the main road to get inside the airport and pulled off to a rest stop on the side of the road and they got out and laid a blanket on the grass.

Then I heard a loud screeching and it was a jet taking off from a nearby runway. We were directly under it and we all layed on our backs next to each other facing straight up. it was about a football field and a half right above us making this incredibly loud roar and with all the landing lights and wing lights and other lights it was quite a sight. This is what they. brought me to see.

I was tripping though. I was psychotic and going through hell anyways and it was crazy with all the lights and noise. We couldn’t even hear each other talking. It was over in about a minute and we drove home. I’ll never forget that though, I have a vivid memory of it.


that is a beautiful memory, and the Soteria House sounds very fascinating. thank you for sharing this

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