Telling a woman you love her

I’m in love with this girl but not sure yet if she thinks the same.

I want to tell her but I’m afraid it will be awkward and won’t hang with me again.

How do I handle this?


Don’t tell her. That’s something you say when you’ve been going out with each other for a while!


What if I tell her I like her?


That’s one way tbh. Or just tell her do you want a coffee/beer

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Depends how long and often you know the person

Good luck

I would not say like til you know you can trust they feel similar

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I’ve known her for three years and we talk almost everyday.


There’s an old saying

“If they like you, you’ll know. If they don’t you’ll be confused”.


Then she probably doesn’t like me lol


Oh. That’s a long time.

Ask her out for coffee and do something nice

Feel it out and tell her you like spending time with her

Maybe that’s a good start


Beeing brave enough to declare (do it your way doesn’t matter how) is something not many guys do…


So true
This part is the scariest thing to do


She tells me she “feels safe around me.” Not sure if that’s a sign.


It can be just one of two things: she likes you more than a friend, or you are friendzoned for life.

Only way to know is to initiate the dance!


From not knowing much.

In general a very positive sign

Keep that kind of conversation going

But pivotal moment 3 years everyday friendship

Ready to take the leap?

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I’ve been friends with lots of dudes and never dated a single one of them.

I mean, I dated lots of dudes,

But never my friends.

If you want a romantic relationship,

You risk your friendship.

But if the only reason you’re friends is because you’re holding on to hope she’ll date you,

Put your cards on the table.


Be prepared to not have the same relationship as before regardless of what happens.

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There’s no point living like that in apprehension.

I fell in love with a girl that I didnt really know, I knew things about her, but personally I didnt know her, and the feelings lasted three years until she finally blew me off. Thats three wasted years. End the infatuation. Take the bull by the horns and give it your best shot and if she says no, move on. Being infatuated and in love is not healthy if you are just brooding about it with cold feet. End it.

Send her this song :wink:
Check her response :smiling_face:

I’m with @Charles_Foster on this one. Be prepared for it to change your relationship in some way. Best of luck to you, though. I hope it works out well.


If you don’t think you can handle being permanently just friends, you should tell her your true feelings.

Just know it will change the relationship forever.

Possibly for better, but possibly for worse

Does she ever get jealous from other women, flirt with you or give you hints? If so go for it.

If not you might be friend zoned.