Tell me about your life!

At the moment I am having a short, but nice trip near the sea. :blue_heart:
I am having a really nice time and good week overall.
How are you guys?


Here we go. :sunny::beach_umbrella:


And question for mods!
@voithos @Moonbeam @Ninjastar @Bowens
When can I change my nickname?? :))

ah beautiful photos…lucky you…just drinking coffee and awaiting the sunrise at the moment…life is good.


Awww I love the fact that your life is good at the moment :sunny::sunny:


thanks…my health is on the mend because of an irregular heart beat but the doctors are taking care of me with heart meds…


Just got through housesitting for my sister who went to Yellowstone Park with her fiancé. I watered all the plants, got the mail and kept the house clean. Tomorrow, I’ll drive to the lake and take a walk and then pick up my groceries from the store. My life is pretty uneventful and I like it this way. I’ll try to do some cleaning in the apartment tomorrow. That’s about it.


We’re going on vacation on Wednesday it’s very short but it’ll be nice


Evil stalkers been making me homeless. I don’t want to live somewhere that makes me feel like I’m going to die.

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Looks like your wait will be over on September 28!

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I’m ok. Life is ok. I’m stable which is important. I’m feeling better mentally since yesterday for some reason. Hope it continues.


Just got up about to work on some projects then cook pancakes and sausage :drooling_face:

Beach pictures are very pretty :heart_eyes:


It’s going ok alot of overthinking which shows here on the website nice beach your going too I’m kinda bored waiting for the coffee to be done


I feel like it’s improving. I’m dreaming big. Got the apartment really still gotta get the car. I got my pontiac trans am sitting there. Next year gonna get a lump sum of cash hopefully can get it situated then.

I’m really. Really. Really wanting to lose the rest of this weight and put on more muscle. I’ve been meeting people and stuff, I wanna really get confident and live already. Feels like this weight loss fitness crap is taking foooooreevvveerrr…


It’s ranges from ok to quite good and time just flies by. Gotta take my car to a garage murra.

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Its 11am here. My sister is coming over this evening. I will grill some chicken for us to eat and make a salad. I am having so much fun with my hobbies of listening to music and playing drums. Also having fun getting better at my racing simulator computer game. I fixed all our faucets yesterday as they were sticking and the handles were hard to turn the water on and off. Will do some sweeping and vacuuming today hopefully. The weather is starting to get cold at night It was 40F or 4.5C last night.


Had a visit with my dad, and got to see the ocean again. LIkely the last time that happens with him.

Been working on a painting for him, and I’ve been scatter brained here-abouts.

Struggling to get moving, feel very stuck in a sedentary rut.

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I’ve been ok. Still waiting on a watch and sheath to come in. Walked with my mom this morning. I have a few things I gotta do today. My problem is motivation. If I can put it off I will. I have to clean my dads office later though. I’m doing decent with money. I don’t need anything so I’m hoping to continue saving. Just a chill Sunday. Day treatment tomorrow.


Saw my Siblings and Mom in town. Tried to eat lunch, but couldn’t.

Having KFC for dinner.

I eat less than 2k kcal sometimes. So I need to aim for 3000.

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Morning!!! :sunrise::sunrise: