TAK-063, a PDE10A Inhibitor with Balanced Activation of Direct and Indirect Pathways, Provides Potent Antipsychotic-Like Effects in Multiple Paradigms


Yes finally I’ve been waiting for a PDE10A Inhibitor. Hope it can make me smarter!

I really hope these end up working because it might be the only medication that doesn’t cause brain damage.

will it help in negative symptoms of sz…

It remains to be seen if it alters the negative symptom course. But treating cognitive issues will definitely help many people.

Another PDE10 Inhibitor that is being investigated is OMS-824. I hope these PDE10 Inhibitors work great :D.

How long until one of these baby’s comes out?

From what I’ve read they suspended phase 2 trials for this one. Does that mean they are planning to test it further in the future? Maybe if it makes it in Huntingtons the doctors can prescribe it off label.

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Here is the why:

Omeros Corporation has suspended its trial of OMS824, a phosphodiesterase 10 (PDE10) inhibitor being evaluated for treatment of Huntington’s disease. Omeros provided the update in a press release, stating that a nonclinical study in rats showed high free-plasma concentrations — higher than those observed in non-human primates or humans. The company suspended the human clinical trial after submitting the results from the rat study to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which requested that Omeros evaluate the rat study and nonclinical studies before restarting the clinical trial.

Gregory A. Demopulos, M.D., chairman and CEO of Omeros, said, “Based on currently available data, we do not believe that the observation in the rats is caused by OMS824. We will work with the FDA and look forward to continuing the Phase 2 Huntington’s trial.”

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This means It has failed…???