TACS Brain stimualtion ..a safe alternative to APs?

Effects of theta-rhythm transcranial alternating current stimulation (4.5 Hz-tACS) in patients with clozapine-resistant negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Our aim was to assess the efficacy and safety of theta-rhythm transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (4.5 Hz-tACS) in patients with clozapine-resistant symptoms of schizophrenia. In an open case series, 3 patients received 20 sessions of 4.5 Hz-tACS (20 min, 2 mA) applied over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The patients exhibited a decrease of negative symptoms (-10 %), general symptoms (-18 %) and an improvement of insight into the illness (-25 %). 4.5 Hz-tACS might be a suitable alternative treatment for clozapine-resistant symptoms of schizophrenia.

anyone have any idea about this technique and whether it’s effective or not ?

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I believe one of our users, @HulGil, uses trans-cranial stimulation. I’m not sure if to the same as this.

Dunno about tACS but I’ve tried tDCS last year, for my negative symptoms, and it didn’t help.