Tabula Rasa

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I agree with this, but I also think consciousness is external, and is not born out of organic molecule assembly. The human body is a vessel.


I think people’s brains are born to favour certain sensory input. Like talking and walking, and that we learn these things faster because of that. I’ve also heard that fear of snakes, while not universal, is a lot easier to trigger in people than a fear of other objects and isn’t only a learned behaviour.

So what would the role of the brain be?

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A device used by us to store and grow a fraction of our infinite consciousness.


But if so, how come brain damage can be so devastating?

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Maybe because the brain is like a storage device. If an A.I required an SSD to store it’s consciousness we could corrupt it by damaging the memory.


the brain is like a receiver really. You pick up on channels outside of the brain and the brain translates it and stores whatever you want stored.

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Imagine being born and already knowing string theory.

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Tabula Rasa was also the name of an Episode of Lost, and I can see John Locke in you dp :wink:


Sadly when they tried to isolate babies to see what was the “natural” human knowledge and language they died.

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I keep thinking this thread is going to be about some sort of indian recipe


I think genetics and environment both play a role in someones life. Environment is much easier to control than genetics though.

Genetics can change our perception of life and at the same time life experiences/environment can change our perception of life.

Though after 18 and reaching adult life, environment doesnt play much any role in life. Its the first 18 years of our life that shape our personality, life, etc My broken sz genes are preventing me from living my life that was shaped during the first 18 years of my life.

yeah bunch of it are from your parents even langauges

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