Post a picture of the sunrise!
Just wanted to say I love this photo!
The only two I have are of the sunset, not sunrise, and they were taken by someone else who is sensitive about his photos being shared when it’s not him posting. Out of respect, I will not include them here, and also because if he ever google-searched his image, it would lead him to our safe place.
But I like yours!
Thanks kitty! I was up at 4:30 this morning. The sunrise was at 6:48. I caught it two or three minutes after. It was beautiful
Heres another
I love it!!! 15151515
I don’t do sunrises. Sunsets, sure.
Very cool ish. Where are you flying?
Haha. Is the sunrise to early? Or you just dont do them. You can do a sun set
Was flying to Grenada a couple months ago.
Oh cool. Plane pictures are awesome. Above the clouds.
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