Your gangster name is the colour of your shirt and the closest thing to the left of you.
What is your gangster name?
My gangster name is Blue Armrest.
Your gangster name is the colour of your shirt and the closest thing to the left of you.
What is your gangster name?
My gangster name is Blue Armrest.
I am Black Armrest.
Does this make us part of the same Family? Or rivals?
I think it’s the same. The Armrest Crime Family, lol
I am Grey plug
I’m wearing a black long sleeve shirt over a blue short sleeve shirt and the first thing that I saw to my left was my Gatorade so I guess that makes me:
Blue Black Gatorade
I am Green TV Remote Control
The armrest gang is reminding me that I need a new computer chair. Right now I am using a folding metal one with no armrests or anything. Think I will do some Amazon shopping right now…
Tell me if you find anything good. I need a new one, too.
Gray Left Armrest Of an Armchair
I got this:
That looks nice! I definitely prefer a black chair. Or some weird color. Let me know if it’s comfy when you get it.
I am black diamond dots. Lol!
Definitely The Armrest Crime Family. We can be like that Quentin Tarantino movie Reservoir Dogs, lol
Mr .Blue
Ms. Black
Mr. Gray
White Remote Control
I am Grey Phone.
Am I nerd as a gangster as well?
lol, now we have The Remote Control Crime Family
These are our rivals @Pandy
They better stay on their turf or there will be a war!
Not to worry everyone became friends again. They had faral together next day.